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Analyze Fallacious

 Using these twelve fallacies:

  • Construct your very own example of each one. Explain why each of these fallacies you constructed is a bad argument.


  1. Argument that appeals to a questionable authority
  2. Argument that Appeals to Common Belief
  3. Argument that Appeals to Common Practice
  4. Argument that Appeals to Two Wrongs (two wrongs make a right)
  5. Argument that Appeals to Indirect Consequences (Slippery Slope Argument with a very negative outcome)
  6. Argument that Appeals to Wishful Thinking (Slippery Slope Argument with a very positive outcome)
  7. Argument that Appeals to Fear (scare tactics):
  8. Argument that Appeals to Loyalty (ad Populum/to the people)
  9. Argument that Appeals to Pity (ad Misericordiam)
  10. Argument that Appeals to Prejudice
  11. Argument that Appeals to Spite (hatred or indignation)
  12. Argument that Appeals to Vanity



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