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THIS HOW MY PROF wants my paper

We all need our inspiration. A way to determine your taste, your interests, color
-Gathering: (make sure to properly record @artist_name) from Instagram, pinterest, hollowware artists, real-life objects
-Analysis: reflect on your choices. Categorize and understand your tastes and the things that speak to you. Is this inspiring you to do some sketching of you own ideas? You can also make your own sketches or collage work to develop a line of work.
-Documentation: Journal? Folder? Photoshop collage or PDF?

From the pdfs you sent, I understand you are working on two ideas. One is masks and the other has designs by Ciga Long. The mask document has 4 links (the fist one doesnt work) showing forged masks and videos on forging steel masks. What you wrote does not really qualify as analysis of the resources , this is defined as detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.” It does describe (it was very confusing) a series of gold, wood and pearl masks for animals with huge glasses? Does this refer to work you have sketched of tried to craft? The second document presents thee designs by Ciga Long. This one is more clear but the quality of the analysis could be further developed. If this is all you have, and this is all you are going to present for this assignment, I really think it is not sufficient.  This is why I wanted for us to agree on a strategy.

To improve on the work that you have so far I need you to do the following:
-improve on your analysis. Ask yourself questions and be more descriptive on the information that you are gathering from each resource. The videos show an impressive amount of technique and work processes. How can you apply this to your work? In the Ciga Long document it would be interesting to find out the types of stones, materials and techniques. It could also be interesting to analyze the pieces in terms of the elements of design (symmetry, color, negative space.)
-develop your ideas further. Define, in a clear and simple way what you want to do. Break it down in steps and present them in an orderly fashion. If the animal gold mask line is an idea you are developing then you need to design animal mask patterns for a mask. You also mentioned pearl and wood, another challenge is to research how to deal with these materials and finding a technique to cold connect them to the metal.
-further documentation. If you have done sketches, cut-out patterns, made some models, document it! Take a photo and arrange it in a document. Please describe what you are showing. It helps me understand what you are thinking better.


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