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Faith Integration Week 6

Faith Integration Week 6
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Faith Integration

Post a substantive response to Forum prompts by  11:59 PM  Tuesday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.

Post a substantive response to a minimum of one peer by  11:59 PM  Thursday night.

                    See Online Discussion Forums section of Syllabus for complete instructions


True Christianity carried out to its fullest measure is not groupthink at all. It rejects conformity of the mind and thinking, which is dominated by majority rule or peer pressure. God made us as unique individuals with unique perspectives, and never intended for us to give up our individuality for the acceptance of a group.

The Bible says,

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2, NIV)

Rachel Miller, of Savvy Sheep, breaks it down. (1) If we disobey God, we are conforming to the rebellious mindset of the unbelieving world. (2) Worse still, conformity with the world prevents us from knowing God’s plan for our lives. (3) If God is not part of the plan, Scripture promises us that the plan will fail. (4) Without God’s instruction (the “renewing of the mind”), we can only succumb to Groupthink. http://www.savvysheep.com/2009/03/dont-conform-to-pattern-of-world.html (Links to an external site.)

Why is information overload such a problem when we have labor-saving technologies such as personal computers to process huge quantities of data? Why are collective inferential errors more likely when issues are emotionally-charged?

Why, do you suppose, the Bible is the best solution for the problem of Groupthink? How can it help individuals cope with information overload? And, help individuals filter, sort, and test worldly information? Why is the church is in the best position to carry out this solution?


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