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Please do some editing to assignment # 6  The Training Module bellow. Pls read the comments pointed out in the brackets.
Im sending copy of original instruction. I will send pic of an example for Module items
  Thank you!

Original copy of instructions:

Please follow up all the instructions.
The Training Module
Prepare this assignment on a Microsoft Word document and submit it as an attachment with your name and the title: The Training Module in the comments section. For this assignment, you will design one complete internal (meaning it will not be an introductory or closing) module for your training.  In your previous training design task, you learned and applied some of the elements of a training module.  You will apply them and others here in greater detail.  This assignment requires you to conceptualize your actual performance in the training that you are designing this semester, so it must be as complete and thoughtful as possible.  In grading the assignment, I will be looking for inclusion of all items listed below, if the module appears to fit into your overall training outline and if it falls at an appropriate time or phase in the training day.  As always, good writing counts. 

Think: How would you need to write your module so that another experienced trainer could teach it with a minimum of preparation time if you were called away and were unable to teach it.  I will be looking for detail.  I have provided an example of a training module below.  Use it as a guide, but please dont imitate it.  Your module should be your original creation, and I want to see your inspiration and inventiveness reflected in your creation.

In writing your module, be sure to include:

Training Design Items:

A.    The title of your training: Is Your Teens Life in Good Hands?
B.    Your target audience: Parents
C.    Your overall training goal: To provide parents with the knowledge and skills to enhance family bonds and strengthen parents to prevent teen alcohol abuse.
Topic: Alcohol abuse prevention

Module Items:
A.    A module title headed by a roman numeral and including the duration:
B.    1-3 modular behavioral objectives written PWBAT (Participants Will Be Able To)
C.    A modular synopsis: (A one-paragraph description of what will take place in the module):
D.    A list of documents such as handouts, worksheets, etc.  (Attach at least 1 to this assignment)
E.    Trainer notes: (Information you would want another trainer to know about your procedures)
F.    Procedures including opening, methodologies and summations
G.    Processing questions
Following is an example of a module from the NYC DOE HIV/AIDS Curriculum training for public school teachers of students in grades 6-12:

I will send a pic of an example for Module items

IV.    Critical Concepts                            10:15am – 11:15am

Behavioral Objective
    Participants will be able to state ten of the critical facts regarding the nature, transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS as revealed in the Critical Concepts worksheet used in training
Trainer note    The Critical Concepts worksheet is divided into three sections: Nature, Transmission and Prevention.  The entire module should take about 1 hour (15-20 minutes for each of the 3 topic areas.)  The answers are attached to this design.
Documents    Critical Concepts worksheet (1 for each participant)
Critical Concepts answer sheet for the trainer

Module IV synopsis: The training process for this module is an individual task followed by review and discussion.  This is to be done separately for each of the 3 sections of Critical Concepts.  The trainer gives the participants 5 minutes to complete a section followed by 5-10 minutes for the trainer to provide the correct answers, clarify and misunderstandings and answer questions. 

    A.    Critical Concepts #1:  The Nature of HIV/AIDS
        1.    Trainer introduces the task by distributing the worksheet titled Critical                Concepts and directs participants to complete section 1 Nature.                      Participants work for 5 minutes
        2.    Trainer elicits answers from the participants, filling in critical                    information – 5-10 minutes.

    B.    Same instructions for Critical Concepts #2 Methods of Transmission

    C.    Same instructions for Critical Concepts #3 Methods of Prevention

    D.    Trainer summarizes by stating that is it not necessary for teachers to become            medical professionals.  However, teachers need a good grounding in the                medical/technical aspects of HIV/AIDS in order to teach this curriculum.
    E.    Processing Questions (from the E.I.A.G. Model):
        1.    Identifying
            a.    What are some of the critical concepts that stood out for you or                    seemed surprising?
            b.    What are some questions that you expect your students will have?

        2.    Analyzing Questions
            a.    Why do students need to know the information presented in                    Critical Concepts?
            b.    How will your students react to these concepts and why?   

        3.    Generalizing Questions
            a.    Have you taught sensitive topics to your students before, and how                    is this similar or different?
            b.    What concerns do you have about teaching critical concepts to                    your students?
    F.    Q and A to the end of this module (11:15)
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(Thank you for the assignment. I like it, and it could be a good module, but you would do better to follow the pattern and format I have suggested. Please see the comments. )

Assignment # 6
The Training Module
Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Title of the Training: Is Your Teens Life in Good Hands?
Audience: Parents
Overall Training Goal: To provide parents with the knowledge and skills to enhance family bonds and strengthen parents ability to prevent teen alcohol abuse
Behavioral Objectives
(Behavioral objectives need to be SMART.-5% )
As a result of this module:
1. Participants will be able to have a greater understanding of the challenges facing teens that lead them into alcohol abuse. (This objective could work, but understanding is not a behavioral word. )
2. Participants will be able to recognize behavioral changes (such as) that point to a depressed or frustrated child.
3. Participants will be able to learn (how many or which ones?) practical strategies that can make them more approachable and relatable to children.
Modular Synopsis
In this module, the trainer will deliver content on three critical concepts that relate to the overall training goal. The training will be divided into three sections that will be offered in a successive manner meaning that section B can only be provided after section A and section C will be offered after section B. Each section will require one hour for comprehensive and holistic training. Therefore, a total of three hours will be needed to complete the training program. This program requires the active participation of both the trainer and the participants. By actively involving the participants, there is a high likelihood of improving the retention rate of the content.( Needs a bit more detail about what you will do. )
List of Documents
The participants will receive handouts containing the training materials for sections A, B, and C. Each participant will also be given an evaluation form that will be used to offer feedback on the training modalities and effectiveness.( Okay, but where is the sample handout? -5% )
Trainer Notes
The training program consists of three sections that build on each other, and hence the participants cannot skip any bit of the program. Section A is about the challenges
that face teens that would expose them to alcohol abuse. In most cases, there is a disconnect between parents and their children who are in the adolescence stage. Parents perceive the teens as children who are yet to mature and would like to continue controlling them. On the other hand, the teens are clamoring for independence and do not like the controlling nature of their parents. Section A, therefore, guides the parents in understanding the unique issues of teens, which, if addressed, can prevent alcohol abuse. Section B will give the parents the behavioral tips that offer a clue that their child is experiencing challenges such as depression and frustrations. If these behavioral changes are recognized earlier, then the teen can be saved for alcohol indulgence. Section D seeks to improve the parenting style of the participants and strengthen the bond they have with the children. Parents must learn how to keep the children closer and avoiding dismissing them. (Good )
(Where is the outline format? -5% )
The trainer must ensure the participants are in a room with adequate space to accommodate both whole group and small group discussions. This room should be reorganized easily to allow small group discussions. The trainer will then introduce himself/herself and greet the participants to create a jovial mood in the room. He/she should state the general agenda of the training and specify the time frame before each section. The trainer should also specify the time when the participant can expect a break, ask
questions, or complete the evaluation form. The introductory section should take the utmost five minutes, and then the trainer can proceed to deliver the content for each section.
Processing Questions (Okay )
a) Identifying
What are your main takeaways from the Module?
What are the major issues facing teens currently?
b) Analyzing
How will you improve your parenting style as a parent?
Why do you think it is vital to enhance your relationship with the child?
c) Generalizing
Which challenges do you think you will encounter in dealing with your teen?
What do you think is your role in preventing teen alcohol abuse?


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