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Applied IT Assignment Phase 3


Phase 3 Project Design

This assignment should provide the full details for the proposed project solution. This is really the meat of your project. Details for this section will include all information needed to make the solution work. For example, if you are writing a program, or designing a set of web pages, this section will include brief detailed descriptions, mock-ups, or functioning code. This chapter will also include full written descriptions regarding the functionality of your solution. For example, if you are designing a network solution, it will include diagrams for network connectivity. If you are writing a security solution, it will include written details about the security equipment, software, tools, or other methods that need to be implemented. It should also include any required budget information to help business leaders plan. This section should be between 4 pages in length. 

Note: Intext citations and 3 references must.

Also attaching the past phases of the project docs.


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