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Article analysis

First, read a news story from the newspaper or the Internet.  Answer the following questions regarding your news story: 1) What is the main issue, who are the main actors being discussed;  

Second, read all the articles and watch all the videos assigned in this module.  Answer the following questions regarding one of the assigned articles or videos: 1) What are the basics of this article/video (who, what, when, how, why, etc.);  2) What is the overall main point the author is trying to convince you of?  3) Do you agree with the authors argument?  Why?  Why not?   

Finally, tie together your news story with what you learned from the assigned article and videos for this week.  Type your answers using your own words, no outline or bullets, complete sentences and paragraphs, single-spaced, full-page. 

This week we are getting introduced to International Theories that try to explain why the world is the way it is and how global actors relate to each other .  The readings I have assigned should show you there are many ways we can describe global politics.

Listed below are the Learning Objectives for this week.  In other words, after this week you should be able to do the following:

Learning Objectives


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