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Assignment 2-The Power of Play

The purpose of this assignment is for you to further explore the role of play in supporting young childrens health and well-being. In this assignment, you will watch and provide a response to the Nature of Things documentary The Power of Play. To further build on your learning from the documentary, you will search for two related scholarly works and share your findings. The format of this video response is a 46 page written assignment.


There are two parts to this written assignment: (a) response based directly on The Power of Play documentary; and (b) independent research write-up inspired by the documentary. Where relevant, please draw on and reference course material.

Your written response to the video response should be:

  • 46 pages in length (+ references)
  • 12-point font
  • Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced
  • References and in-text citations should align with


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