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 (Part I) Create your Individual TOOLBOX (15 Points) (do not take a photo, but describe everything that has to be in the toolbox and answer the questions,)

Purpose: for a Symbolic Representation-

As a creative representation of the analogy Tools in your toolbox that showcases the various techniques/concepts (learned during this course) that you would implement as an educator with children and families on Diversity Topics.

have a deeper understanding about how to teach in a Diverse Society with this symbolic representation of a toolbox.

B. Instructions: This will be done based on reflections on your own interests. Create/select an analogy that best fits your individual personality.

List the items that you need in the toolbox, based on priority (level of importance). For example I like hiking, so here I will use Hiking as an analogy to create the toolbox. I will list poles, water, shoes

Then think what you learned in this course, that you would like to implement as tools in the classroom, prioritize this list. For example- to the poles- AAA, to the water- Cultural Competence Match it with the toolbox list, see pictures below.

This toolbox must be in conjunction with the CA Competency: Culture, Equity & Diversity for an Inclusive Curriculum.

CREATE THE TOOLBOX, TAKE A PICTURE, AND PLACE THE PICTURE in the word doc. Make sure the pic size is altered, otherwise canvas will post it upside down. I have provided some sample Toolboxes as pictures in pages 4-5 in this document.

(Part II) Post Reflection on your Toolbox creation

Here are the SLOs to meet for the reflection piece.

A. Critically assess the components of culturally relevant and responsive physical and social environments to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families, children, and teachers.

C. Apply theories on how children learn biases and stereotypes to the planning of curriculum in an Early Childhood Education (ECE) setting including the promotion of respectful and interpersonal relationships.

Guide points to write Post Toolbox Reflection: please address and write in two to three paragraphs: (20 points)

In what ways did your experience of creating the toolbox and its proposed implementation in the curriculum impact your understanding of the two SLOs listed above- here is where citations from readings can be placed to support your thoughts?

How can you apply this learning in teaching young children about various topics on diversity- citations from readings please?

Please share if this experience increased your curiosity or awareness about new content or issue that you might be interested in.

In your words please tell us your interpretation of your role in an interconnected world about a global issue that relates to teaching children through the utilization of tools from your toolbox.

The last reflection bullet point meets and connects with SLO A because Please explain your reasons for the above point, in relationship to self and children by applying concepts/topics that were addressed throughout the course. (especially topics like economic status, power & privilege, race] provide relevant citations from readings and other materials


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