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Competencies for Risk Managers

Competencies for Risk Managers Part 1


Read the nine mini-case study series from the Project Management Institute on the Global Green Books Publishing company before starting this assignment. The readings were assigned during Week 6.


Write a 34-page paper in which you:

Discuss at least three challenges that project managers face as effective risk managers at Global Green Books Publishing and provide a rationale for your choices.

Look at Chapter 2 of Practical Project Risk Management to review the most common challenges.

Discuss at least three key skills/competencies project managers need to be effective risk managers at Global Green Books Publishing and provide a rationale for your choices.

Go to Basic Search:  University Online Library to locate at least two quality resources other than your textbook to use in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Communication Paper about sex

Use the movie friends and benefit
If you are using other movie please ask me first
Please dont use complecated sentences. Use shorter sentences that make the writer look like international studetn,

I have attached the rubric and a reading that you need to use below.

I also found some articles that will help you. You can talk about how relationship and sex is not that smooth and how first time sex is often nervous and hurtful, and talk about lubrication etc.


United States v Sweden in terms of democracy & social democracy

Annotated Bib attached as well as all the necessary sources

This course is a double count, meaning that it fulfills the program requirement for the International Business major and the 400-level dialogue course of Justice and Civic Life. An APA style  13-15 pages research paper along with a presentation is required.

It is expected of  each student to use a minimum of 15 scholarly sources (the majority of which must  be dated within the last three years and come from scholarly sources) and organize the paper with abstract, titles, introduction, thesis, topic subheadings and a conclusion. The research paper is a continuation of the annotated bibliography which you did earlier and the finished product of such effort. Here you further develop an  interesting introduction, present a clear thesis that will be further supported by the rest of the paper, polish the rough edges of your subtopics, work on smooth transitioning and finish with a cohesive and com

Event Planning

prepare a slide (.pptx and no more than 10 slide pages) to answer the following questions
1.    Please interpret your understanding of the event theme, The Old West Meets the 21st Century. Be specific, what elements does this theme contain? How it will influence your design and entertainment design
2.    What color(s) will you choose for this event? Why?
3.    Select three different types or combinations of types of dcor that could be used to depict this theme, and how would you use them?
4.    Please select at least three different entertainment for this event. Why would you choose them?

Tips: 1. Your dcor and entertainment ideas need to reflect the event theme.
        2. You can use visual images to clarify and demonstrate your ideas.
        3. Creative ideas are always welcomed!

In this event, you will work as an event designer. You need to brai

Safety Management System Policy Statement Exercise

Scenario for Discussion
SMS Policy Statement Exercise
Listed below is the safety policy statement written by Snyder Safe Airline. As a safety officer within your organization, you have been asked to review and ensure it meets the requirements of a safety policy statement under Part 5. Analyze whether it meets the SMS requirements, and if not, identify what must be added or changed to clearly meet SMS requirements.

Snyder Safe Airline SMS Policy Statement
To prevent aviation accidents and incidents our organization will maintain an active safety management system. I support the open sharing of information on all safety issues and encourage all employees to report significant errors, safety hazards or concerns. I pledge that no staff member will be asked to compromise our safety standards to get the job done. Safety is a corporate value of this company, and we believe in providing our employees and customers with a safe environment. All employees must comply with this po

Eminent Domain and Condemnation

Explore and explain eminent domain and condemnation under Florida law. My report should cite appropriate Florida statutes and at least one Florida state case involving eminent domain. I may also examine articles on this topic in the Florida Bar Journal and in law review articles that specifically discuss eminent domain and condemnation under Florida state law.

Material for Reference: Nemeth, C. P. (2011). Reality of real estate (3rd ed.). Boston: Prentice Hall. ISBN:  978-0-13-510415-6.

Describe a challenge, setback, or failure you have faced and overcome. What did you learn from this experience?

The challenge would be relocating from the Commonwealth of Dominica to St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the latter part of high school due to a major hurricane, Hurricane Maria, in September 2017.

I overcame this challenge by putting my best foot forward at my new school where I became a Prefect. I also was at the top of my class. Did great in my Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate, and got awards at my graduation for being the best accounting student, and the 2nd best overall business student.

I then began college at Berkeley College in New York last year. I made it on the President's list twice, and on the Dean's list once. I also served as a New Student Orientation Leader, and I am a fully inducted member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and member of the Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society.

Hospitality Industry MIS practices

Watch the video "2016 Dining Trends Survey" by Zagat (a major restaurant review company and the original provider of the user-generated content) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D34krsvx5GA.
The annual survey by Zagat (since 1979) has provided a good source of secondary data for restaurants on dining habits. The last report was published in 2018 (Pre-COVID). In 2018, Google sold off Zagat to restaurant review site https://www.theinfatuation.com/
Find an article or video about a hospitality company's current practice (in the past 3 years) related to marketing information system (MIS) or marketing research.  Provide the link and comment on the effectiveness of the practice. The press releases on company websites are good sources. The following links can particularly be useful:

(Links to an external site.)www.hospitalitynet.org (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)www.hotel-online.com (Links to an external site.)

Discussing the impact of newer larger aircraft on airport management.

Your assignment is to write a research paper discussing the impact of newer larger aircraft on airport management.  Questions that you should answer, but are not limited to include:

1. What are the effects on airport design and the frequency of airport pavement replacement and repairs? 
2. What are the effects on taxiway and apron separations?
3. What are the effects on gate capacity and baggage handling operations? 4. What are the effects on aircraft servicing operations?  If you have questions please ask.

Based on material covered in the class, the student should identify the problem/situation, provide a resolution/approach, give a rationale to your approach and expected outcome/conclusion. This project will be presented in APA format and the writing requirement described in the Policies section of this syllabus. The project is graded on contents, grammar, and format. A minimum word should be 2000 words with a minimum of 3-5 outside references. Ref

Compare and Contrast

compare and contrast the RQ-4 Global Hawk and the MQ-9 Reaper.
In the paper, you should discuss the type of system, capabilities, structure,
limitations, payload, support equipment, and users.  It is not enough to merely list what is
the same and what is different. But, why is it important to see what is the same and what is different?

Ensure you apply critical thinking, do not just list or discuss two separate UAS.
Compare and Contrast both UAS together, throughout the whole paper.
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