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Competitive Authoritarianism

Read the two provided articles.
Introduce the topic.  What is Competitive Authoritarianism (or electoral authoritarianism)?
Identify and discuss the elements of competitive authoritarianism.  Do the authors make any changes to their understanding of this concept from 2002 to 2020?
Discuss how a nation state might resist the pull towards competitive authoritarianism.

The New Competitive Authoritarianism.pdf
The Rise of Competititve Authoritarianism.pdf

What are the harmful effects of digital technology.

This is a cause and effect topic. Make sure you follow the instruction in the attachment file. Be very mindful with every single detail in the attachment file. Because the instructor is very hard grader. The paper should be introduction, 2 body paragraphs, and conclusion. (1200 words). Also he wants us to use only his own sources which is :
Source: "Clinical Report: The influence of social media on children, Adolescents, and Families.

Will racism ever disappear?

presenting your proposal, provide a brief overview of the issue in question, making use of at least five outside sources in the process. In addition, discuss your interest in the issue (what led you to the issue, why it is of importance to you), and your plan of action for conducting research on the topic.

Perikles memorial oration

Perikles' Memorial Oration states the ideals for which the young Athenian men gave their lives. These ideals were what made Athens the greatest city. Are these ideals real or were they merely aspirations by which the Athenians tried to live?

If these ideas are just aspirations, do they have any true value? Does this idea apply to the United States? For example, we have the ideal that all people are created equal. Does this ideal really exist or do we aspire toward the ideal? In other words, do we have to work to achieve the ideal? Respond.

Be sure to include your word count minus any direct quotes, use paragraphs, and appropriate capitalization.  Submissions missing any of these will be graded "0." Must be at least 400 words

here is the link for the reading: http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/funeral.html

Understanding Alienation and Social Alienation What Does Alienation Feel Like? Dimensions of Alienation

Use any two of these three articles to help you answer the following question:

In Bartleby, the Scrivener (1853) by Herman Melville, Bartleby, a mysterious man hired by the narrator as a scrivener, or law-copyist, copies legal documents by hand. However, he declines to do any of the other tasks the job requires, telling the narrator, I would prefer not to. Eventually, Bartleby tells the narrator that he has decided to stop writing (copying the legal documents) altogether. When the narrator, exasperated, asks for a reason, Bartleby replies, Do you not see the reason for yourself? (18).


Pick two sorts of events that will happen between Feb. 16 and April 20
1.An event you have no discretion over (e.g. the election, the economy, the standings of a sports team)
2.An event you have some discretion over (e.g. getting a job offer, results on an important assignment, change in your relationship status, level of your fitness
Can be anything in each category but must be:
1.Observable (i.e. what would an observer see if this event happened)
2.Timely (i.e. exactly when will this event take place)
1.Describe event and time
2.Make a prediction of what will happen by that time (or at that time)
3.Describe what knowledge you have used to inform your prediction
4.Describe your level of confidence in your prediction
Do 1-4 for each of the two events
2 pages
Essay 1 leads to Essay 3

Do You Love Me?, Are You Lonely in Your Relationship?

In Peter Careys story Do You Love Me?, along with objects, buildings, and land, people begin to disappear. The storys title draws our attention to the notion of feeling insecure about love. How do the disappearances of people in the story relate to the need to ask this question? In other words, present a paper that offers an interpretation for why people in the story disappear. To help you answer, consider any of the ideas Margaret Paul explores in her essay Are You Lonely in Your Relationship? 

: I would like to write a paper on different climates, how they affect the earth and people and compare and contrast diffferent climates and different regions

See photo below...Teacher approved the topic of.......

: I would like to write a paper on different climates, how they affect the earth and people and compare and contrast diffferent climates and different regions

I am choosing to write the paper, details of the paper format and sources attached....

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this week's discussion board, please watch the TED.com clip at this link and tell me your opinion about the use of nuclear energy?
Are you pro or con?  Why?  If you are against it, what are you fears?  How do you believe that nuclear energy fits in overall in trying to address the climate crisis?

Seminole Indians

Describe the culture, history and people of this tribe in detail.  You will discuss prior-European contact lifestyle/history/culture of this tribe and compare it to the post-European influences/contact changes to their lifestyle/history/culture.  And in your final paragraph, conclude what presently is the state of this tribe. Do they still exist? Discuss their assimilation into mainstream America.
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