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Archive for the ‘Electrical Engineering’ Category

Dynamic Memory

This assignment will re-implement the social network database(can be provided) with dynamic memory and saving into files. Heres the specification for the application:
a) User entries should be kept in a linked (ordered alphabetically by name) list with memory allocated when a new student is introduced by the user. Memory should be deallocated when a user is removed. Storage of user's friends can still be kept in arrays
b) The Menu presented to the user should be:
      1) Introduce  user
      2) Introduce relationship/friendship
      3) Remove user
      4) Print user information
      5) Print report for all users (all information)
      6) Save to file
      7) Retrieve data from file
      8) Exit
c) Your code should contain a insert and remove function. Ideally these will receive a pointer to pointer to the head of


Simulator Rubric

Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrect submission
Submit Computer.java and ComputerTest.java files on Canvas.    0.0 pts
Full Marks    0.0 pts
No Marks
    0.0 pts
This criterion is linked to Learning OutcomeCoding conventions and didn't modify code
Follow the coding conventions provided in the starter code and dont rewrite or change any of the method signatures.    4.0 pts
Full Marks    2.0 pts
No Marks
    4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeADD, LD, BR, OUT, HALT
ADD, LD, BR, OUT, HALT instructions implemented correctly.
ADD - 2, LD - 2, BR - 2, OUT and HALT - 1 (Points)    7.0 pts
Full Marks    0.0 pts
No Marks
    7.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeADD, LD, BR Tests

Data Engineering and Presentation

Text file network_analysis_data.txt is available on EE2702 Moodle, in Section Coursework.
This file contains the data from an experiment conducted on a network testbed. The experiment
measured the data rate on two different network paths, path_1 and path_2.
Your task is to develop a program in Python which will extract the values for the data rate on path 1
and the data rate on path 2 and will plot these values.
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