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I need helping answering the following 4 questions in about 120 words each


1. The 35 Most Memorable Commercials – which one is your fave?

Take a quick peek at this list.

  • What do you recognize?
  • Does any particular ad stand out for you?
  • Does anything evoke a certain emotion for you?

Please share your thoughts.

2. Public relations practitioners should develop four fundamental skills; writing, research, planning and problem solving. What kinds of things can you do to develop these abilities? (Wilcox et al., 2003, pp. 85-87)

3. PR Events – What to Consider

  • What considerations must be made if your employer or client is thinking about sponsoring an event or a meeting?
  • When might holding your own event or meeting be more appropriate than sponsoring an event or meeting?
  • What considerations must be made when planning to hold your own event or meeting?

4. Media Alert

Imagine you are preparing a media alert for a client to pitch a new product coming to market.

  • How might you decide to whom you will send your media alert?
  • What might you want to know about an editor, journalist, or media outlet before sending a pitch?
  • Why is it important to know this information first?
  • How might this information influence your pitch?


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