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Contraception / IVF


After studying the course materials located on page, answer the following:

  1. Read and make a summary of ERD paragraphs 40, 41, 42, 48, 52, 53. 
  2. Based on the video, name and explain the three levels of human sexual intercourse.
  3. What are the two dimensions of the sexual act in the context of marriage? 
  4. What is contraception? 
  5. Give an ethical analysis of the intention of contraception. 
  6. What are the methods of artificial contraception? 
  7. According to the module, why are contraceptive pills, IUD and the morning after pill also considered abortifacients? Explain.
  8. Describe the unfair dynamics of artificial contraception.
  9. Is non-therapeutic sterilization an ethical practice? Why or why not?


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