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Debate This: Carriers liability

Debate This: Carriers liability

Vanessa Denai owned forty acres of land in rural Louisiana. On the property were a 1,600-square-foot house and a metal barn. Denai met Lance Finney, who had been seeking a small plot of rural property to rent. After several meetings, Denai invited Finney to live on a corner of her land in exchange for Finneys assistance in cutting wood and tending her property. Denai agreed to store Finneys sailboat in her barn.

With Denais consent, Finney constructed a concrete and oak foundation on Denais property and purchased a 190-square-foot dome from Dome Baja for $3,395. The dome was shipped by Doty Express, a transportation company licensed to serve the public. When it arrived, Finney installed the dome frame and fabric exterior so that the dome was detachable from the foundation. A year after Finney installed the dome, Denai wrote Finney a note stating, Ive decided to give you four acres of land surrounding your dome as drawn on this map. This gift violated no local land-use restrictions. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

  1. Is the dome real property or personal property? Explain.
  2. Is Denais gift of land to Finney a gift causa mortis or a gift inter vivos?
  3. What type of bailment relationship was created when Denai agreed to store Finneys boat? What degree of care was Denai required to exercise in storing the boat?
  4. What standard of care applied to the shipment of the dome by Doty Express?

5.Debate This: Common carriers should not be able to limit their liability.


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