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Discussion – 600 words/ Digital Archival/ No plagiarism/ 12 hours


Digital preservation can be defined as the long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required to be retained. However, business organizations continue to face significant challenges in meeting their LTDP needs, especially those organizations whose primary mission is to preserve and provide access to permanent records.

Looking at your identified industry for your paper, what considerations would have to be made in developing a long-term archival plan for a company within that industry?

—-Identified industry is retail industry—-


Read the following learning materials. (Read before answering)

Banks, & Pilette, R. (2000). . American Library Association, (pp. 166 183.)

Bountouri, Gratz, P., & Sanmartin, F. (2018). . In Digital Cultural Heritage (pp. 364374). Springer International Publishing.

Harvey. (2005). . K.G. Saur, (pp. 182-199).

Brandis, Dzombeta, S., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Stantchev, V. (2019). . Applied Sciences9(2), 320341.

deMaine. (2016). . Legal Reference Services Quarterly35(2), 101123.

Ward, & Carter, D. (2019). . Business Information Review36(2), 5359.


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