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Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy


Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy  

DDP has been criticised for the lack of a comprehensive manual or full case studies to provide details of the process. In addition, although non-verbal communication, communicative mismatch and repair, playful interactions and the relationship between the parents attachment status and that of a toddler are all well documented and important for early healthy emotional development, Hughes and Becker-Weidman are described as making “a real logical jump” in assuming that the same events can be deliberately recapitulated in order to correct the emotional condition of an older child.

Based on the readings in this unit, do you share the same criticsm? Provide rationale for your answer. 

*(Explain the benefit of it, and why it is useful to treat disorders of attachment-based on
attachment theory and research.)

Responses will be checked by Turnitin for originality. It should be a minimum of 200 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced.  A minimum of 2 references are required (other than your text).

*Information about the therapy: https://ddpnetwork.org/about-ddp/dyadic-developmental-psychotherapy/ 


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