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Home work 167

Watch the video on the link below and answer the following questions

  1. How does the video you watched break down the traditional stereotypes and provide the you with a different perspective of the person, community, or location?
  2. The video uses many rhetorical styles, such as narration, description, compare/contrast, definition, analysis, and so forth. Describe some of the rhetorical styles operating in the video and provide examples to support your ideas.
  3. While the video may not provide in-text citations or a works cited page, how does the video use ethos to establish the credibility of the speaker? Does the speaker use author tags? What other techniques does the speaker use to make claims or points?
  4. What is the central message, theme, or thesis of the video? Do you agree or disagree with these ideas? What is your opinion? Provide examples to support your opinion. 
  5. Discuss what you learned from the video that will assist you in writing work 2. Focus on techniques such as rhetorical styles and appeals.
    DUE DATE :22/06/2022 @ 3pm


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