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I need a write-up of at least 350 words on ”Writing and Approving the Constitution.” 


Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event.

1) Read the three YAWP readings links provided below. 




2) Read Thomas Jeffersons response letter to Benjamin Banneker, link provided.





3) Read the Meaning of Race on pages 171 174 of the US History online text.

4) Within the Constitution, which can be found toward the back of your textbook, Read Article I, Section 2, Clause 3; Article I, Section 9, Clause 1; and Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3

Of the first 18 presidents of the U.S., 12 either owned slaves or came from slave owning families. Supreme Court Justices owned slaves. Congressmen, governors, and other local and military leaders owned slaves.

By 1787, the year the Constitution was written, the United States had been using slave labor to build the economy for 168 years.

Using the instructions above, the provided learning materials, and your own research:

1) Create a conversation starter about these learnings.

2) If we study history so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past, what do we need to learn and know from this time period?

3) Pose 3 questions from your learning to your fellow students to create further discussions.

After reading about Cato and Benjamin Banneker, what are your thoughts on what Thomas Jefferson said in his letter?

Does the Constitution protect slavery and the right to own slaves? Explain.

What are the connections between slavery, the 3/5 Compromise, determination of representation in the House of Representatives, and the Electoral College?


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