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Jacob Lawrence Instructions

First, summarize Jacob Lawrence’s works, style, and inspirations in a thesis statement. Next, in approximately 400 words, identify one major painting, drawing, or print by Jacob Lawrence and discuss the work’s visual characteristics using the DICP method explained in your Writing Skills Development portion of Module 1. (DICP stands for Description, Iconography, Context, and Point of View.) especially regarding how Lawrence used the elements of art and principles of design in his art. Then, in another approximately 400 words, explain how Jacob Lawrence’s works tell personal stories about the era in which he lived. Base your summary on information you have found from the recommended sites as well as those you’ve found on your own. How did the political and social climate of the time in which he worked affect his subjects and the manner in which he designed, composed, and painted them? Finally, conclude by explaining what you first thought of Lawrence’s art and how your opinion was altered by what your research and newly discovered historical, cultural, and compositional contexts revealed.


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