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NUR 3178 – Assignment #3

CASE STUDY: Mr. Smith is having a great deal of hip and back pain. He used to run a lot and still plays basketball, which he does not want to give up. His private medical doctor has told him that the MRI showed a pinch nerve from a herniated disc. The doctor has suggested that Mr. Smith have back surgery to remove the disc and stabilize the vertebrae. He is very concerned about having this done. A friend suggested that Mr. Smith should try other means Complementary Alternative Medicine to treat his condition. 1. Read the case study above. 2. Use the Internet to further explore manual therapy and answer the following questions: a. Describe which of the manual therapies will benefit Mr. Smith. b. Where would Mr. Smith find a trained professional to treat his condition? c. List one action you can take to safe-guard a patient’s right to manual therapy. d. Describe the role of the nurse, educators, counselors, and change agents in manual therapy. 3. This assignment should be 1-2 pages, APA format.


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