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Political Party

 During this process, you will be asked to develop your own political party from the ground up. As a group effort/assignment you will choose a presidential candidate and a campaign manager. If there is a third in the group they will be the Secretary of State. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS PART OF YOUR “FINAL” !!! The assignment outline:  2-3 people per group (in the same class) Choose a “party” name Choose a party platform Choose a party slogan Decide whether you are a liberal/conservative/moderate/progressive party and why. Choose 10-15 issues of political. economic and social significance and write a DETAILED plan/explanation on how specifically your party will address these issues. Philosophy of your party 1 page. You will need to research what a party philosophy is (see Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hamilton, Jefferson, Marx). The presidential candidate will present a speech (or video) to the class about their party goals, etc. The SPEECH / VIDEO is to be no longer than 10 minutes. SUBMIT the above written information (items 2-8) after the speech, including all the project participants names. You will be graded on how complete the final product is and through an assessment by your group partners.


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