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Psychology of learning questions.

1). Explain and submit an example for each: “Acquisition / Extinction”

2). What is “Behavior”?

3). What is “Behaviorism”?

4). What is “Behavior Analysis”?

5). What is “Applied Behavior Analysis”?

6). What is “Cognitive Behaviorism”?

7). Explain in your own words : “Classical Conditioning”

8). Name and explain the terms: US – UR – CS – CR (as found in Chapter #3 from pages #110 to #113)

9). Write a short summary of one paragraph about who he was and how Ivan P. Pavlov discovered the basic principles of Classical Conditioning…?

10). As an Educator or Therapist, explain in your own words: How do you think anxiety, depression, and high levels of stress can influence on an individual’s Learning process…?


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