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Unit 3 ; Discussion Board – Due 06.09.2022

 Assignment Details

In this Discussion Board, you will select 1 information system that will also be included in your Key Assignment.  Research at least 2 sources that explain, in detail, the database requirements, the database architecture, and the networking requirements for connecting data in the database locally and remotely.

In your Unit 2 IP, you built a list of candidate information systems. Select the information system that provides the most benefits for your Key Assignment company, and use this as your proposal for this weeks IP assignment.  Discuss the following:

  • What type of data are stored in the selected IS system, and how are the data organized?
  • What type of database(s) are part of the IS system (local, centralized, or distributed)?
  • What is the type of networking required for the database(s) embedded in your selected IS system?


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