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Week 3 Discussion

Test Development Process

Draft a memo in which you outline each of the stages in the development process that the assessment would have to undergo. End your memo with a list of potential problems or issues that you believe would have to be addressed and resolved if the dissociative identity disorder measure were ever to become a widely accepted measure of the disorder.

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the test development process by serving as an advisor to the would-be-test developer of an assessment that addresses dissociative identity disorder.

Make sure that you address the issues of reliability and validity, ethical dilemmas that might emerge, proper test administration and scoring concerns in your memo. Provide strong evidence for your assertions throughout your memo.

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.
  • Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in your initial response.
  • Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in at least one of your two responses to classmates.


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