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Review the following setup information:

Karen, your Administrative Assistant, peeks into your office. She asks to talk with you as soon as you have a minute. She says she wants to talk about your direct report Peter Jergen’s behavior at the off-site. Although she doesn’t want to get Peter in trouble, his behavior at the off-site was disturbing. After checking your calendar, you tell her you have time at 10:00 am. First, you check your emails…
        In-Box of Jeff
From                          Subject
Mario Espenoza            G-BioSport Field Trip
Mario Espenoza            re: G-BioSport Field Trip
Bill Kevichek            Great Field Trip!
Alita Terry            Field Trip Concerns
Peter Jergen            re: Great Field Trip!

Before you have a chance to talk with Karen, you run into Jo Lowell, the Customer Service Manager. She stops you in the hall and asks if you’ve seen the e-mail from ‘Dr. Jekyll’ yet. She tells you that she couldn’t believe that someone who is as nice in the office as Peter could be so different under the influence. Laughing, she says he must not get out much because he sure can’t handle his alcohol.
As you reflect on the situation, you realize that its all a pretty sticky mess. Peter Jergen reports to you and is one of your top producers. Alita Terry is in your department and reports to Judy Birch, the Director of Public Relations, who reports to you.

From: Mario Espenoza
To: All Employees
G-BioSport Field Trip
Please mark your calendars now for an important meeting on Friday, followed by a special celebration party with the employees of our new supplier of organic produce, Organic Options. The agenda is below. Lunch, dinner, and a celebration to follow will all be provided. Dinner will be held at “Dave’s House of Blues” where the special guest will be Charlie Vegas & the New Blues Combo.

Field Trip Agenda

8:00    Bus leave Parking Lot A for trip to Organic Options
8:45    Arrival at Organic Options
9:00-10:15    Tour facility
10:15-10:30    Break
10:30-12:00    Presentation by Natalie Logan, CEO, Organic Options
12:00-1:00    Lunch
1:00-3:15    Joint sales & marketing meeting
3:15-3:30    Break
3:30-5:00    Production planning meeting
5:15    Board bus for celebration dinner and party at Dave’s House of Blues

Mario Espenoza
Executive Assistant, Product Development

From: Mario Espenoza
To:    All Employees

re: G-BioSport Field Trip

Just as a follow-up . . .

Several people have contacted me and asked whether there will be an “open bar” at the dinner following the tour of Organic Options. There will be an open bar from 5:15-8:15. After that, alcoholic beverages will be at the expense of the employee. Non-alcoholic beverages will still be available for no charge.

Mario Espenoza
Executive Assistant, Product Development

From: Bill Kevichek
To:    All Employees

Great Field Trip!

Just wanted to thank everyone for a great field trip last Friday!

I had a great time and learned a great deal. These sorts of trips really help me to understand G-BioSport’s mission and purpose. Plus, the party was a great way to relax and enjoy each other’s company. I can’t wait to see what great products we will be able to produce with this new partnership! It bodes well for the future of both our companies.

Bill Kevichek
Senior Market Researcher

From: Alita Terry
To: Jeff

Field Trip Concerns
I am writing to express some concerns I have following the field trip on Friday night. In general, I thought the day was a success and had a good time at the celebration afterwards. My concern is in regard to the behavior of Peter Jergen at the bar.

I was sitting at one of the smaller tables by myself in the corner near the stage. Mr. Jergen, who appeared to have been drinking heavily, joined me. We chatted pleasantly for about an hour. Over the course of this time, he kept moving closer to me. Finally, he draped his arm around my shoulders and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and left the table and then found a more crowded area of the bar in order to watch the rest of the performance.

I also noticed that Mr. Jergen seemed to be “overly friendly” with several other women and was quite unfit to drive home from the G-BioSport parking lot. He would’ve been a danger to himself and others if he’d gotten behind the wheel of his car that night. I lost track of him on the bus so I’m not certain how he got home that evening, but I think G-BioSport bears some of the responsibility in this matter.

Thank you for your time

Alita Terry
Executive Assistant for Public Relations

From: Peter Jergen
To:    All Employees

re: Great Field Trip!

First off, I would like to agree with Billthe meeting on Friday was a valuable learning experience.

However, I am certain I must also apologize to my colleagues. I have very little recollection of the events of the evening due to the extremely inappropriate and inexcusably large volume of alcohol I consumed in the evening. I have no clear memory of the evening, but feel that I must apologize for my drunkenness and ask for everyone’s forgiveness. If I have offended anyone, I would like to make amends.

Pete Jergen
Sales Manager

As a mid-level manager in the company, write a letter to Peter Jergen or Carol Tempest (Vice President of Human Resources) that describes the situation, the problem, your recommended course of disciplinary action to address the problem and details of the associated implementation plan, the reasons for your decision, how your decision addresses all of the obvious and implied concerns, and a forward looking conclusion. Be careful NOT to make up any facts that are not in the case/prompt as part of your response. Your paper should use the following format, based on Franklin-Covey’s Writing Advantage framework.
1.    Optional setup
2.    Purpose of the document
3.    Introductory statement and preview list of the main sections of the document
4.    Development of main sections of the document
5.    Restated purpose and forward looking conclusion
6.    Your contact information


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