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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here are some suggestions for experiences would be: eat in an ethnic restaurant, visit  family from a different culture, visit religious service, attend a craft fair, participate in an art event, visit with a group like gamers, vegans, hunters, crafters, and even professional group. Because of the pandemic, I will accept modified personal experiences – you can seek virtual interactions, observe online religious service. I will not accept past experiences and will expect you to describe how the experience is new to you. This is a writing assignment so be attentive to the clarity and flow of writing. You are expected to talk about your thoughts, feelings, smell, fears, and overall learning. Pick 2 topics about new culture to you and write it in very specific. You must complete and describe two cultural experiences. Write a half page description of each learning experience. Make sure to clarify what you learned and how it expands your way of thinking or breaks some preconceived notions.

Two topics I will pick are:
1. Eat in an ethnic restaurant
2. Visit with a group like gamer such as League of Legend game.


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