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Archive for the ‘Business and Management’ Category


In regard to Meyer-Briggs
Why might it be important for you to know information about your own personality types?
How might this affect your personal and professional interactions?
How might your personality affect your professional growth and direction?
Does your personality score change over time or stay the same

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Project Paper: Students will complete an in-depth analysis of a current labor event in one of the following countries: China, Hong Kong, France, England/UK, Germany, or Mexico Pick a single specific topic of labor relations to evaluate, such as strikes, formation, impasse resolution, etc. Pick one of the listed countries to investigate how the chosen labor relations topic is complied with or handled in that country. Your paper will be in APA style and in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) or rich text format (.rtf), and it will be 5-7 pages in length not including a title page or reference page and any graphics chosen. You must include references to articles or news events discussed as well as at least three additional references to include the text.  You can include a comparison of how their laws/regulations contrast and are similar to U.S. laws and regulations.

Be sure to include the University Value of Community in your project paper (20% of your paper grade)!



answer the question please

What do you think the Airpod Max image is in terms of quality and value to your consumer?  Are you high-end, low-end or in-between?  Explain as it relates to your major competitor.
Given the image you want to project and where you are in the Product Life Cycle (studied in previous modules), what type of pricing scheme do you think you should use (e.g., prestige pricing, penetration pricing, skimming pricing, bundle pricing, odd-even, value, etc.)? Why will this scheme work best for your target market?
What do you think your final price might be for this product?  Provide a realistic range and discuss why.

human capital vigilance

Please answer the following qustions:

Why is this case about team conflict?
What conflicts do you see developing?
How is distance affecting team dynamics and performance?
What do you think about the decision to appoint subteam sponsors?
What problems can it solve?
Which problems might it not solve?
In what ways have culture influenced team interactions?
Describe how emotional intelligence can improve the team dynamic.

human capital

Interpersonal communication takes place between two or more people in an organization; it is an integral part of health and well-being at home and on the job (Nelson and Quick, 2019). Identify and explain how new communication technologies and social media affect the communication process for leaders.

discussion post

1. How did this week's assigned readings challenge or affirm your thinking? What did you agree or disagree with and explain why? Did you learn anything new? Is there anything you are curious about? Provide evidence to support your points. We all read the assigned readings, so do not repeat them for us. Give us a fresh take by including your critical analysis and perspective. Your response must be detailed and show deep, reflective, and critical thinking. Surface comments and descriptions will not suffice. I encourage you to use current events, lived experiences, and artifacts (videos, images, etc.) to support your response. Use APA in-text citations to show where your information is coming from. It must be clear that you read/watched and understood the material and can use it to support your perspectives.

2. Using the relational leadership model element of inclusive, why would a leader need to pay attention to the ideas brought up in this week's assigned readings? In other words

Journal Article Critique

For this assignment, you will select one of the journal articles you have chosen to use in researching your topic (my topic is TRUST IN MASS MEDIA) and complete a critique of its research question, applied method, and other components below:

Basic Information
Introduction/Literature Review
Analysis and Results
Overall Evaluation

See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.

Topic : Trust in Mass Media

Accounting – Financial Statement

ASC Research (FASB ASC 5-8)

FASB ASC 5-8 Use of the Installment and Cost Recovery Methods

The use of the installment and cost-recovery methods of revenue recognition are outlined in the FASB ASC.

Search the FASB ASC database to find paragraphs addressing these topics, cite them, and copy the results.

Accounting – Financial Statement

1. Case 4-8 Economic Consequences

The FASB has issued SFAS No. 106, Employers Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other than Pensions (see FASB ASC 715), and SFAS No. 112, Employers Accounting for Postemployment Benefits (see FASB ASC 712). These pronouncements required companies to change from accounting for benefits, such as health care, that are paid to former employees during retirement on a pay-as-you-go basis to recognizing the expected cost of benefits during employment. As a result, companies must accrue and report expenses today, thereby reducing income and increasing liabilities. Some have argued that these pronouncements will cause employers to reduce or eliminate postretirement and postemployment benefits. It is not necessary for you to know the particulars of implementing either of these standards to address the issues described here.


a. Should financial reporting requirements affect managements decision-making process? Discuss. Should man

Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business.

Read the following: Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway. ISBN: 9781581345179.
Submit a book review of 1,000 words in current APA format. Choose 1 chapter and write an in-depth review of the chapter you choose. Discuss 1 or 2 main points with which you agree and 1 or 2 with which you do not agree, supporting your thoughts with well-reasoned arguments. Your analysis must also be supported by at least 3 sources other than the Grudem book, and by biblical principles. Each additional source must be cited in-text and in a reference list in current APA format. This review will be evaluated based on the grading rubric provided.
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