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Assignment 7

Write an essay 2 3 page essay, describing what you think your next step should be in moving your career forward. What are the costs associated with this option, and what benefits do you expect to gain? What timeframe do you anticipate this next step in your career can/should take? Does your choice exhibit the elements of a SMART goal?

Immigration in Global Economics

Respond to the charge that immigrants flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S.

Additional information:

"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God" (Leviticus 19:3334, NIV).
"There is no evidence that over time, immigrants reduced wages, lowered the living standards of the resident population or raised unemployment rates." John Stapleford, Bulls, Bears, and Golden Calves. IVP Academic (p. 227)

Will need at least 2 peer-review journals as references. No websites, blogs, wikipidea, or etc.

understanding of economics

An effective understanding of economics forms the foundation of every managers, entrepreneurs, bureaucrats, and leaders ability to analyze business situations and to develop an appropriate response. The globalization of business is a fact of life for all business professionals. One of the most contentious issues in todays global business world is the issue of closing local manufacturing facilities, laying off those American workers, and re-opening the same manufacturing facility in an Asian, or other third world country.
Look in your own closet at the clothes you have purchased. Pick any 10 items of clothing and look at the labels in those clothes. Where were they manufactured? How many of the 10 items were manufactured here in America? If that same exercise had been done 50 years ago, (approximately the 1970s), all the clothes you owned would have been manufactured in textile mills in the Southeastern United States (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, et

Business Ethics in Sports

1.    Are there any sports ethics principles that can be considered universal?

2.    How should sports ethics be addressed at the international level? Do sports ethics differ in other cultures

3.    Is too much emphasis placed on winning in sports? With so much money at stake and big contracts available in professional sports, players have more of a win at all costs attitude and most owners want nothing less.

4.    Which is more unethical: college players or professional players gambling on the outcome of their own games? Is it more damaging in college sports because of the participants involved, their relative youth, and the amateur nature of the match? What about the fact that college athletes are unpaid and professional athletes are highly paid employees who owe a fiduciary duty to their employer.

5.    Would it tarnish the integrity of a sport if fans could legally b

Business Ownership

Essay question: Please answer the following questions    And note there is 4000 character limit for each questions.
How did your hear  and become interested in an opportunity as a Chick Fil A franchise operator?
Why are you interested in owning and operating a franchise business?

Environmental Analysis

Now that you have reviewed the theories of Michael Porter, this is an opportunity for you to connect these theories to the current environmental factors that influence an industry of interest to you. (Michael porter interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYF2_FBCvXw&feature=youtu.be )

Presentation Content and Requirements:
Cite Sources
Choose an industry that is of interest to you in the United States
Try to go beyond what is right in front of you think of something that you are really interested in it will make this assignment a whole lot more interesting for you (and for me, because your enthusiasm will shine through)
Provide information for each of the environmental analysis questions listed below in regards to your chosen industry
Present this information in a Narrated PowerPoint Presentation,( please include narration text of each slide in the notes section of each slide so I can record myself.)

Use a cover slide with your name, the name of

Ethical Framework

In this week's discussion:

Reflect on these business challenges and share what you believe to be the best ethical framework for a business operating in today's world.
What is your recommendation for a business to be both ethical and successful?
How will your recommended framework work in decision making?
In response to each other, do not hesitate to ask questions. Use your discussion to further develop your thoughts.
In considering your answers to these questions, remember to use sources from research that are relevant to and support your ideas.


Answer the following questions, using APA-style.  Each answer should contain meaningful and intelligent responses gathered from your reading.  Using headings/subheadings.

Discussion Question #1.  Taking a step back to align this weeks readings with Chapter 7:  Over the last 2 weeks, you have been answering questions based on whether you identified back in Chapter 3 as a Coach and/or as an Interpreter.  Review Table 7.1 (Change Images and Communication Purpose) note the FOCUS of communication for both Coach and Interpreter images and determine if that still applies to you.  Now, consider the text indicates there is an issue of communicating to a level of getting buy-in (participation) to the change as opposed to a level of getting the word out (providing information) about a change.

Based on how you identified (as a Coach or as an Interpreter), are you more apt to focus on seeking buy-in or on getting the word out and why?

Target Marketing Plan

Required Marketing plan Headings:

Executive Summary

Situation Analysis

-Market Summary

-Target Markets

Marketing Demographics



-Behavioral factors

Market Needs

Market Trends

Market Growth

SWOT Analysis

Competitors Analysis

Market Strategy

-Marketing objectives

-Financial objectives

-Positioning strategy

Marketing tactics







-Break-Even Analysis

-Sales Forecast

-Marketing Budget

Assignment Objectives:

Develop a Marketing Plan.
Define the types of marketing research.
Analyze potential pricing alternatives.
Define channel strategy
Design a sales management plan.
Define the process for bringing a new product or service to market.

Data Analysis

A.  Summarize the real-world business situation you identified in task 1.(Order # 190686755)

B.  Report the data you collected, relevant to the business situation, by doing the following:

1.  Describe the relevant data you collected.

2.  Create an appropriate graphical display (e.g., bar chart, scatter plot, line chart, or histogram) of the data you collected.

Note: This display should be a summary or representation of your data, not raw data.

C.  Report how you analyzed the data using an analysis technique from the given list by doing the following:

1.  Describe an appropriate analysis technique that you used to analyze the data.

2.  Include the output and any calculations of the analysis you performed.

Note: The output should include the output from the software you used to perform the analysis.

3.  Justify why you chose this analysis technique.

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