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Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Jasmine agrees to purchase 1,500 tons of recycled glass from Louie, the price to be determined at the time of delivery. Is such an agreement enforceable? Compare the common law with Article 2 of the UCC.
2. Briefly discuss how an offer can be accepted. Include in your answer the application of the mirror image rule.
3. Shirley is an actress under contract with Twentieth Century. Shirley agreed to perform the lead role in a musical to be filmed in Hollywood by Twentieth Century. At the last minute, Twentieth Century decided to scrap the musical and assigned its rights in Shirley to MGM. MGM was planning to film a western in Australia requiring Shirley to spend six months filming in Australia. Can Shirley successfully prevent this assignment?

4. Define and compare the terms vagueness and ambiguity.

Job analysis

Assignment #1

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a brief introduction to the job analysis process. You will derive your job analytic information from one employee in a job of your choice using the interview method. The main purpose of your interview will be to get information about what KSAs are needed for a person to be a successful performer on the job. 

After interviewing (and observing, if possible) the job, you will create a job analysis report on that job.

Your job analysis report should include the following FIVE sections.  Label sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 with a section heading.  For example, you should have a section heading for the second part, labeled "Interviewee/Organization Information."

1.    Cover sheet:  Include a title (e.g., Job Analysis), your name, the date, and the course number.

2.    Interviewee/Organization information:  Include your subject's name (can make up

6210 W5 DB

Consider the organization you work for today - or one that you worked for in the past.  What kind of leadership development program or plan exists or existed within this organization?  Is the organization positioned to grow its leaders?  Is there a clear effort being made to prepare its existing staff for future leadership responsibilities?  In two or three paragraphs, and using the material in Chapter 12 of our text, and the information you have gained to date from this course, what would you do differently to make sure the organization had the right individuals in place to lead it 5 - 15 years from now? 

article review

Chapter 3 discusses several major EEO laws and regulations. However, every year, human resource professionals struggle to keep up with the latest employment regulations and trending workplace issues. Local, state and federal laws change frequently and impact todays workforce.

For this article review assignment, you are asked to review an online article about the changing legal environment of human resource management. Do not simply use a website or blog as your source of information.  The article must be a feature article published within the last year by a reputable source such as Harvard Business Review or industry publications such as HR Exchange Network, HR Magazine, HR Morning, etc. A list of resources has been provided under Course Resources. 

The article should be a minimum of 1,000 words in order for you to be able to fulfill the requirements listed below.  If the article is too short, it will be difficult to summarize and provide comments that me

Planning Considerations for the HR Project

Week 7 Assignment - Planning Considerations for the HR Project


At this point, you have organized your HR project team and you are familiar with the importance of leading and managing the project and team. It is now time to plan your project, which happens to be a large and critical part of project management. Project planning tends to be collaborative and integrative in that many factors, such as scope, resourcing, budgeting, and risk, need to be considered.


Write a 56 page paper in which you:
1.Define and discuss scope and scheduling as they each relate to project management, and provide a statement of importance to your project team so they know the relevance of each task.
2.Select four behavioral skills, associated with project resourcing, that you consider to be critical and explain your rationale. Review the behavioral skills associated with project resourcing listed in the textbook in Section 9.1.

3.Explain to the ma


Choose an editorial article (An editorial is an article that presents the writer's opinion on an issue supported with facts) from the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. Browse the library and choose an editorial that addresses a business issue that interests you.
Write an essay describing the following:
Citation of the article and a brief summary of its contents
What are the premise(s) in the article?
What evidence is presented? Is it credible?
Can you independently verify the evidence presented?
How are counterarguments addressed?
Does the writer represent a particular interest?
How is language used to develop the argument?
Do you detect any errors in knowledge, evidence, or thinking?
Does the writer use any types of appeals or commit any fallacies?
Overall, how compelling is this article?
Be certain to carefully research your analysis using at least 3 credible sources.

Social Media Business Ethics

Research Paper: 
The research paper may be on any topic related to business ethics. There are two important words in that description. First, the topic must be business-related. If you want to write on healthcare, then the topic must be about the business of healthcare. If you are interested in sports, then the topic must be on the business of sports. The second point in the description is the focus on ethics. You must analyze the topic through the lens of ethical reasoning.
The paper should be at least 15 typed pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, and 1-inch margins on all sides). A separate Works Cited page should be included to identify the sources for your citations. All sources listed in the Works Cited should be cited in the body of the paper, and any source cited in the body of the paper must be included in the Works Cited.
Your research paper should contain at least 15 scholarly resources (excluding the textbook) and must be properly cited using A

Social Media

Identify an organization (it can be your workplace or a community organization), service, or product that you want to promote on social media. In a two- to three-page paper, answer the questions asked in the social media strategy article you read in this unit (How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy for 2019 and Beyond).

These questions are:

Why do you want to be on social media?
Who is your target audience?
What are you going to share?
Where are you going to share?
When are you going to share?
Then design five social media posts to be made over a 1-week period that you would use to market your chosen subject.  In one brief paragraph per post, identify which channel (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and message you would use.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU's global network; regardless, we want to understand - Why NYU? (2500 character maximum)


Identify a time at work where you were inspired by a future vision of your organization.  What was compelling about that particular vision?  How was it communicated to members of the organization?  What was particularly effective in the ways leaders inspired you and others to engage in that vision?

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