Please find the attached document which include the theories covered in the class.
A 1,500 words critical appraisal of your learning preference(s) results on the specific theories / models covered in the class. This should include a discussion of the implications these results have for your learning development on this programme. (40% weighting) (MLO4) AOL 4 COLLECTION POINT
This is a 2750 Report in my purchasing management class that asks us to to reflect and go into more depth on our negotiation plan and negotiations video the will be attached as link. More details will also be explained in a link below. (The last part on the negotiations strategy was based on Chris Voss negotiations master class. It will have to be sighted as for the rest of the info.)
Thank you
As a business manager, you may encounter situations that require a wide variety of communication responses. For this assessment, you will be creating a portfolio of communication documents. Please appropriately format each communication for the message type.
Scenario 1:
You are a manager of a company that has recently purchased a smaller company. The purchased company has an existing product, which will now be part of your product offering. The product is a weight-loss supplement called Kamelon. The product has been very successful for the previous owner, but the company had a limited ability to adjust its manufacturing system to accommodate growth as well as a limited potential sales audience. Your role is to oversee and coordinate all aspects of launching the product from the newly acquired company. You have a far greater manufacturing capacity and more potential customers readily available because you already sell several weight-loss related pro
Assuming that, due to the economic crisis caused by the Corona pandemic and the drop in oil and gas prices, the sales of Salam International Investment Ltd. decreased by 10% during the fourth quarter of 2019 and the decline continued in the first and second quarters of 2020. In addition, assume that this situation resulted in a decrease in the company's net profit by 25% and an increase in the company's costs and expenses by 35% in the same period mentioned.
a. As the director of the company, what decisions will you take to deal with this situation during the year 2020 in terms of employees, products, prices, promotions, supply and chains, and logistics ...etc. in order to control the costs and expenses, increase sales, and maintain the company's profits?
b. As the manager of the company, what business strategy/strategies will you follow during the next three years to deal with the current situation and the expected future situation?
The report must be
Write 550 words
Topic: Statistical Tests of Association
Assignment Description
Part 1
Top management of a large company has told you that they would like to be able to determine what the impact of years of service at their company has on workers' productivity levels, and they would like to be able to predict potential productivity based upon years of service. The company has data on all of its employees and has been using a valid productivity measure that assesses each employee's productivity.
What is a possible way to answer management's question, and how does the analysis work? Reference the section on bi-variate linear regression from Green & Salkind.
Part 2
After reviewing the results of the analysis in Part I, the company found they are significantly related. However, a statistician reviewed the output and said that the results really do not explain much of what is happening in the total relationship.
What information i
Discussion: Impact of work relations on company culture
How might good or bad relationships between co-workers or between supervision and employees at work impact the culture of a company? Bring in one or more actual company examples from your library or internet research. Bring in your own experiences or the experiences of your family or friends to make your posts real to life.
Bring in at least one valid source to enhance one or more of your posts.
Read through the responses by your peers and post responses to at least two classmates posts. Introduce ideas/comments and/or research/readings not mentioned yet.
Remember: To receive full credit in this forum, you need to post a minimum of three quality posts (your own initial post, and responses to two classmates). If you borrow from subject matter experts (authors, speakers, etc.), be sure to give them credit by citing sources.
Types of International Strategies
Research and find an example of three multinational corporations (MNC) that each use one of the three international strategies: Multidomestic, Transnational, and Global. Do not use an example provided in the background readings for the module.
Explain techniques used in multidomestic strategy (1 page)
Analyze the MNCs use of this strategy
Discuss the pros and cons of the strategy
Explain techniques used in transnational strategy (1 page)
Analyze the second MNCs use of this strategy
Discuss the pros and cons of the strategy
Explain techniques used in global strategy (1 page)
Analyze the final MNCs use of this strategy
Discuss the pros and cons of the strategy
2. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like I, we, and you are not appropriate.
McDonalds Around the World
Dunkin Donuts Global Presence
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
2. Choose two countries in which the company does business and research target markets. Consider if there are culturally prescribed dietary restrictions (such as dairy products, red meat, shellfish, or pork).
Research traditional menu choices in the country (this may be accomplished by an internet search).
Provide rationale for at least three regional menu items per country.
3. The use of government-maintained websites adds to the credibility of the information presented.Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference your sources in APA format. Your paper should be written in the third person; this means words like I, we, and you are not appropriate.
4. A 4-page paper with APA citations (2- or 3-sentence introduction, 4-page body, 2- or 3-sentence conclusion)
The reference list page in APA format
Learning Objectives:
Analyze a business plan denoting areas for improvement in Marketing, Operations, E-commerce and Digital Media.
Complete a project that closely mimics projects often performed by small business managers.
For your Final Assignment, review the business plan found in Chapter 16 Appendix of your textbook Small Business Management in the 21st Century
You have been hired as a business consultant for Frank's All-American BarBeQue. Create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 15 slides with recommendations for Frank's on how they can improve their business. You must include a minimum of three specific recommendations: one related to Marketing, one related to Operations, and one related to e-commerce, digital media or social media. You may add other recommendations if you would like. Your design should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to read and should not include too much text/data on the slides themselves. Be sure to include additio
It is now time to put your business plan together. Your plan should include the following (See attached for guidance):
Part 1:
Executive summary, company description
Part 2:
Industry analysis & trends, target market, competition, strategic position & risk assessment, marketing plan, & sales strategy
Part 3
Operations, technology plan, management, & organization
Part 4:
Development, milestones, exit plan, the financials
Part 5 (Appendix):
Any supporting documents in the appendix.
NOTE: The business plan will serve as your first attempt at completing this in-depth, well-researched business plan. You will re-visit various sections during your BA program and complete a final, polished business plan in your capstone course ENTR498.
Minimum 8 pages
Business Professional Format