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Camilla Townsends Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma

You will need to purchase "Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma: The American Portraits Series First Edition, Kindle Edition" on amazon. It is $11 and I can send the money to pay for it or you can include it in the bid. Here is the link to purchase this kindle E-Book:


Please look at the attached document labeled "Pocahontas Assignment." There you can read everything that needs to be completed and how it will need to get completed. Answers need to include quotes and page numbers for citing.

Teachers note:
" I'd also strongly (oh so strongly!) recommend that you read the assignment before you really get going on the book.  The first few questions?  You can bang those out after reading the first chapters.  The questions towards the end will be answered after you read the whole book.  Some of those last questions also will very much be you expressing

Module 15 Hum Media Essay 4

Media Essay 4
Introduction Media Essay Four:
The concepts we cover in this course include countless phenomena that occur and shape our world on a daily basis.  The purpose of media essay assignments is to help you relate course materials to the world around you and to help you understand the forces, both social and technological that impact all of us.
The Assignment
NOTE 1:  You will have until 11:59 PM on 11 DEC, 2019 to turn this in. Late submissions cannot be accepted for this assignment.
NOTE 2: Remember, this is a CURRENT EVENTS assignment that requires you to relate course material to things going on in our world (and thus the news) today.
Find a news article (not more than one year old) in the media that demonstrates either Convergence Theory or the concept of the Global Village.  Your essay may also touch on other issues and controversies surrounding the use or development of technology in American and global society.  For example, the arti

Module 12 HUM Media essay 3

Media Essay 3
Introduction Media Essay Three:
The concepts we cover in this course include countless phenomena that occur and shape our world on a daily basis.  The purpose of media essay assignments is to help you relate course materials to the world around you and to help you understand the forces, both social and technological that impact all of us.

The Assignment
Find an article in the media (not more than one year old) that demonstrates issues and controversies surrounding the use or development of technology in our society. The article chosen should deal with at least one or more of the concepts or questions covered in the reading up to this point in the course (chapters 11 - 16). Some of the concepts and questions we have explored that you will likely find in the media include:
Media Influence on Public Opinion
Yellow Journalism
Communications Regulation
Television Violence
Video Game Violence
Internet Privacy

Module 11 HUM Term paper proposal

Term Paper Proposal



The Assignment
Write a short paper in MLA format, between one half and one page explaining your topic, why you chose it, how it relates to course concepts we have (or will) cover, how your topic affects the world around us and at what levels (individual, community, nation, international).  You should also be able to provide, in MLA format, at least two sources that you plan to use in your research. List them in MLA format on a works cited page.
Grading Criteria

NOTE: This assignment will account for 3% of your final course grade.
Length- was your proposal at least one half to one page in length? Up to 20% of grade.
Did you answer all proposal questions (why you chose topic, how it relates to course concepts we have (or will) cover, how your topic affects the world around us and at what

Module 8 HUM Media essay 2

Media Essay Two

The Assignment
Find an article in the media (not more than one year old) that demonstrates issues and controversies surrounding the use or development of technology in our society. The article chosen should deal with at least one or more of the concepts or questions covered in the reading up to this point in the course (chapters 5 - 10). Some of the concepts and questions we have explored that you will likely find in the media include:
The diffusion of technology
Efforts to restrict the diffusion of technology
Secret Technologies
Pollution (acid rain, toxic wastes, greenhouse gases, etc.)
Depletion of resources (fossil fuels, for example)
Alternative fuels/Energy
Global warming
Stem cell research
GM Crops or Genetically Modified Foods
Life sustaining technologies/inappropriate technology
Halfway technologies
Bridge Technologies
Diagnostic Technologies
The changing nature of work

Horney believed that social forces in childhood, not biological forces, influence personality development. Identify what a safety need is and explain ways a child’s security can be undermined. Define anxiety. Describe 2 ways children may attempt to protec

Horney believed that social forces in childhood, not biological forces, influence personality development. Identify what a safety need is and explain ways a child's security can be undermined. Define anxiety. Describe 2 ways children may attempt to protect themselves against basic anxiety.

Lesson is on Karen Horney and her look on social forces

Is graffiti vandalism

Directions: Closely read each of the four texts provided below.

Topic: Is graffiti vandalism?

Your Task: Carefully read each of the four texts provided. Then, using evidence from at least three of the texts, write a well-developed argument regarding whether or not graffiti is vandalism.

Clearly establish your claim, use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least three of the texts to develop your argument. Then provide a counter-claim. Do not simply summarize each text.


Be sure to:
Establish your claim(s) regarding whether or not graffiti is vandalism
Use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least three of the texts to develop your argument
Identify each source that you reference by title of article and line number(s) or graphic title (for example:  "What is street art?", line 4 or, graphic "Video Projection"). Do not reference articles by stating "Article 1", "Article 2", etc.
Organize yo

what does this story have to teach us about empathy for others?

The article Does Reading Fiction Make Us Better People?(https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190523-does-reading-fiction-make-us-better-people ) examines the idea that reading fiction enhances our compassion and empathythat is, our ability to identify with other peoples experiences and relate to what they feel and think in their interior lives (Hammond). A story may introduce us to human concerns and emotions by painting a picture of characters lives.

The articles studies present a few events that have been used to gauge peoples empathy. For instance, how does reading a novel about a man suddenly going blind help us empathize with people who are visually impaired?

Remember in "Week 1:  What Are the Benefits of Literature," you were introduced to some of the scientifically proven benefits of reading literature. From Week 1 Insights:

No matter the reader, no matter the writer, no matter the genre, literature is a cultural artifacta manifestation of the human

what is literature?

For this paper, you will develop an argument that you began exploring in the Week 2 discussion, which asked, "What is literature?"Your paper will answer that question using the following format: 

"This story is an excellentexample of literature because it provides meaning about X." 

Examples of how you might fill-in "X" include "children and parenting," "the Black experience," "gendered double standards," or another aspect of the human condition that you can relate to and that has a significant presence in the story. 

The answer statement above is only half of your thesis. The thesis is constructed with two main parts: a claim and warrants.For this paper, your thesis will havethreewarrants. 


Flannery O'Connor's short story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is an excellent example of a literary work because it provides insight into the hypocrisy of religious morality through character, setting, and theme. 

Informative Presentation

Select a topic which allows you to inform your audience of a significant aspect of a culture that is different than your own. Possible topics include social customs, family traditions, holidays, clothing, food, religious traditions, and sporting activities. Refer to Chapter 7 of your text as a guide.
Research your topic. Be imaginative in choosing content for your speech. It is not enough to simply summarize basic information from the Internet about a country or culture. Narrow the topic by selecting one specific aspect on which to focus your ideas.

Organize the main points of your speech using an informative pattern of organization. Your speech should give your audience a deeper understanding of your topic, but should not be designed to affect your audiences beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.

Provide adequate support for each main point by citing at least three credible sources in the speech. Incorporate examples, narratives, testimonial evidence, statistics, analogie
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