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Challenges in the Business Environment

Paper instructions:
Changing, or even stating, a companys values can be a long and arduous process, but it often pales in comparison to the effort it takes to make sure they are honored, implemented and projected. In this assignment, you evaluate how well your chosen company from the first assignment has done in walking the talk and responding to a social issue.

Review your chosen companys mission and values statements as well as other sources that provide insight into the companys values with regard to social responsibility. Pick two of their primary values and research how the company manifests those values. Simple examples might be the commitment to workplace diversity or ecological sustainability.

Create a 35-minute (approximately 68 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speakers notes that flesh out and support main

Challenges in the Business Environment

Changing, or even stating, a companys values can be a long and arduous process, but it often pales in comparison to the effort it takes to make sure they are honored, implemented and projected. In this assignment, you evaluate how well your chosen company from the first assignment has done in walking the talk and responding to a social issue.

Review your chosen companys mission and values statements as well as other sources that provide insight into the companys values with regard to social responsibility. Pick two of their primary values and research how the company manifests those values. Simple examples might be the commitment to workplace diversity or ecological sustainability.

Create a 35-minute (approximately 68 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speakers notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conc

Case study:Mortgage approval and time study

Case Study: Mortgage Approval Time Study

Read the following case study:

A major financial services company wishes to better understand its mortgage approval process. In particular, the company is interested in learning about the effects of good versus fair credit history, the size of the mortgage (less than $500,000 versus greater than $500,000), and the region of the United States (western versus eastern) on the time it takes to get a mortgage approved. The database of mortgages approved in the last year is accessed, and a random sample of five approved mortgages is chosen for each of the eight combinations of the three variables. The data are shown in the table.

Mortgage Approval Time Study

Credit History    Mortgage Size    Region    Approval Times (days)    Approval Times (days)    Approval Times (days)    Approval Times (days)    Approval Times (days

Writers Choice (Powerpoint)

PowerPoint (8-16 sides)
Selection a contemporary artifact It can be a book, film, work of art or artist, musical album or artist, piece of architecture or other cultural production.This should be something that has been particularly meaningful to you, or something that you believe is culturally important.

Read the artifact
You should consider both your personal connection and reaction to the object and the wider reception. In other words, you should talk both about its personal meaning and you should do some research into the context production, or reception of the work.

The goal here is to think carefully about your artifact to take seriously the cultural productions that we engage in every day. What values is it promoting? How does it celebrate or critique the current culture?

Present your findings creatively: PowerPoint (8-16 sides)
THE THREE THINGS you must do:
Provide a summary of the thing you chose. When was it made

Investment potential in healthcare

Your brother-in-law, Representative Howard Hughes, lost his bid for reelection. However, thanks to your efforts, he established himself while in Congress as an astute analyst of the health field and, as a consequence, has taken a position as partner at the prestigious Atlanta investment firm of Keller, Keller, Keller, Keller, and Disher. You have decided to take him up on his offer to join him as a manager in the healthcare division.

The other partners have little insight into healthcare other than receiving care. Your brother-in-law has been asked to give a presentation (narrated PowerPoint) on the current status of the health sector and opportunities for investment.

Your job is to provide him with information on the healthcare industry. Key interest items are in the below questions. To be effective, detail needs to be specific, complete with sufficient depth.

The presentation PowerPoint slides must answer the following questions.

How is the role of governm

Investment potential in healthcare

Your brother-in-law, Representative Howard Hughes, lost his bid for reelection. However, thanks to your efforts, he established himself while in Congress as an astute analyst of the health field and, as a consequence, has taken a position as partner at the prestigious Atlanta investment firm of Keller, Keller, Keller, Keller, and Disher. You have decided to take him up on his offer to join him as a manager in the healthcare division.

The other partners have little insight into healthcare other than receiving care. Your brother-in-law has been asked to give a presentation (narrated PowerPoint) on the current status of the health sector and opportunities for investment.

Your job is to provide him with information on the healthcare industry. Key interest items are in the below questions. To be effective, detail needs to be specific, complete with sufficient depth.

The presentation PowerPoint slides must answer the following questions.

How is the role of governm

SWOT Analysis

In powerpoint slides write a S.W.O.T analysis about UberEats.

Needs to be at least 7 Slides

the slides need to focus on the following:

Internal analysis
1. Strengths
2. Weakness

External Analysis
3. Opportunity
4. Strength

Risk factors that affects Child Development in African American Homes

You will create a 10 papge PowerPoint from this Paper that I upload. Please include an introduction and conclusion page in the powerpoint. When using the paper that I upload that you had typed for me, please pull out the most important information from the paper and create topics for the information that you pull out. Please include a few pictures in the powerpoint presentation that goes with the topics.
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