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Archive for the ‘Business and Management’ Category

Social Media Strategy

Alumni: Promote a black-tie event being held by the alumni association for MBA alumni. The event will be held on December 20 with all proceeds from ticket sales going to St. Judes. The dinner will be hosted at the school, with students running ticket sales and a silent auction, and the culinary department will be cooking and serving a five-course meal. The hope is to raise at least $10,000 from this fundraiser.
When analyzing this target audience, narrow your data to individuals with a graduate degree who are at least thirty years old and make at least $80,000 per year.

Social Media Strategy Proposal
Develop a social media strategy proposal that will address your chosen fundraisers key performance indicators by evaluating qualitative and quantitative data. Make sure to use appropriate evidence to support your analysis and recommendations, and incorporate any feedback you received on the first two milestones.

Data Analysis: Collect and analyze the f


When Rachel Leist was working in marketing at HubSpota technology company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that produces marketing and sales softwarethe company realized that something was happening as they grew in size. Many of their teams were spread out in different locations across the globe. That meant that team meetings often were held virtually. Rachels marketing team decided that they wanted to do something that would make not only their team work better, but also help the company learn from their experience. They came up with a special week that they named Remote Week.

The team tried holding all their meetings via video during Remote Week. They also made a pact to try a wide variety of meetings during this week, including cross-functional meetings, one-on-one meetings, and all-team meetings. At the end of the week, they asked for feedback from everyone on the team. What did they find?

Team members realized that having someone who takes on the role of a

ethical dilemma

student should select a real ethical dilemma faced by a business or executive. identify the moral dilemma, investigate why they are dilemmas; recommend an approach to solve the problem, and justify their recommendation.  The paper include 1) descriptions of the facts of the case, the importance of the issues, an identification of the key players and an identification of the decision-point. 2) an analysis of the alternative courses of action, and the recommendation.

Journal Entry for Class 9

1.Thinking about your team projects, what have you learned about teaming that can help you in your business life? Share at least 1 example to illustrate your findings.

2.As you research opportunities in stakeholder capitalism, how has your perspective on the purpose of a business changed since Class 1 (if at all)?

reading: https://hbr.org/2015/01/get-the-boss-to-buy-in

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read and carefully review Chapter#4 "Measuring Performance Metrics" and the 2-supplemental articles on Metrics and Benchmarking. Please develop a well written response summarizing the information (key points) as described in the assigned reading materials. Specifically, focus on benchmarks/metrics that one would consider significant in the provision of Respiratory Care related services. Your focus can be either on adult or pediatric populations and general inpatient or critical care environments.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the article and use as resource.

Think about a recent situation that caused change in your life and you had to communicate it to someone (moving, taking a new job, having a baby, buying a new car, allowing your teen to drive with a permit, trying a new sport, etc.). From a communication management perspective, what worked effectively and what could you have done differently? Why?

Reflection 2

Formatting your paper in APA style means that you should include the following: a title page, running heads, page numbers, double-spaced text, indentation, and a reference list on a separate page if any. You do NOT need to include an abstract, nor introduction, literature review, or discussion/conclusion.

Part 1: The Dark Side

Throughout the semester so far, we have discussed some negative social implications of technology. For this part of the prompt, you should think about some of these effects. Specifically, you will explain what you think are the two most negative social implications of communication technology. You can address the social implications that we have already discussed in class, but you are not limited to those. Feel free to discuss other implications we will talk about later in this course, that you might have learned about in other classes, or that you discovered through your own investigations. You should explain 1) what the implications are, 2) which

Wholistic Leadership

Locate three peer reviewed, empirical articles related to the potential broad topic area of your dissertation. Remember, your topic area must align with your degree program. Select only articles that have been published within the last 2-3 years and that could logically be included in the literature review of your dissertation.

Write a brief description of the articles (250-300 words total) that includes the following information for each article:

A statement of what the authors studied.
A statement that generally describes the study participants.
A description of the study findings.
A statement of one limitation or future study idea identified in the article.
Write an argument (250-500 words) that presents a potential study topic for your dissertation and defends the need for the potential study. The topic must emerge from a synthesis of the limitations or future study ideas you identified above, and the argument must describe how the potential study might ad

Ethical Decision Making and Hiring

The body of your paper: (3 Pages total BODY in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with relevant course content and library research.

Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics.
-Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization.
-Why would these be important to include in the hiring process (Example of things that you might include: Legal Ground Rules or other items in our reading material or library that would be considered in the process). Format: APA Paper (With an abstract).

Operational Plan

a.    Create a restaurant training manual outline to assist in orientation and training Use the following headings: restaurant knowledge, mission, history (should you consider you restaurant a new concept rather than established you can focus on the importance of the location), staff roles, steps of service for FOH & BOH, menu description for staff.
i.    Provide an opening paragraph (at least 200 words) that will provide a brief overview of your restaurant concept, level of service (fine, upscale, casual/family), location and market.  This will be a good introduction to your new staff and to help them focus on the Orientation and Training in your manual. (Consider this just a very brief recap of your Restaurant Concept developed in Section #1).
ii.    For each heading: provide 2 points or necessary components for that section (approximately 100-200 words for each point).  Consider the question: Why is it important for
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