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Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this research project and paper, you may choose any topic that is related to the juvenile justice system or juvenile delinquency. If you have difficulty coming up with a topic, the textbook is an excellent place to begin getting ideas.
The research paper must have a cover sheet with, at a minimum, your name and my name on it. The research paper must be at least 5 pages in length (no more than 8 pages), using 1 inch margins, double-spaced, and either Arial or Times New Roman, 12 point black font.
You must use at least 5 SCHOLARLY references in the research paper. These references must be current (not older than seven years), they must be relevant to your topic and they must be properly cited.
Please cite any reference materials used and include a list of references at the end of your paper. I will not tolerate plagiarism.
I hope you take this opportunity to explore an area of the juvenile justice system or juvenile delinquency that reall

Not Sure of the topic name but the prompt details is given in the instructions column

In what ways is the storys narrator and protagonist, Chika Okafor, alienated? How do these forms of alienation contribute to the meaning of the story as a whole?

Please give the essay a title. Bear in mind, as always, that the author and the narrator are two distinct entities.

- 3 body paragraphs fully structured
- 1 intro and 1 conclusion
- in total 5 paragraph (nothing more)
- there is also an attachment on how the structure of the body paragraphs I want so please follow that organizer

Please choose your title

Write a 4 paragraphs blog research about the bad working conditions in some garment factories for working  children, long working time, safety, pay, space, ventilation and wellbeing. Chose the blog option. Write a title. Follow the outline to know what to write in each paragraph and the rubric that I send as 2 attachments in files. 4-6 Photographs and images have to be included in the blog. Please follow the research outline and the rubric.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of this
- What is a lesson being in nature has taught you? How did you learn that lesson?
-What ecological problems worry you most? Why? What are you doing about it?

Your final product should have a clearly conflict, and contain the elements of a narrative essay, as discussed in class and in the textbook. It should be a strong example of an open-form piece. Use the Question Asking Strategies in Chart 7.1 to help you devise your beginning, characters, setting, plot, and conclusion.
All essays must include:
A clear and concise theme holding the narrative together
Organized body paragraphs which tell the story vividly and logically through
showing (rather than telling), as well as other literary elements
MLA formatting (header, heading, title, font, spacing)
Active, direct language and strong, clear verbs
About three pages
Submission to turnitin.com for feedback and grading
Essays must NOT include:
Excessive pronoun usag

A 4-6 page essay on macroeconomics on their effect on the economy as a whole – using certain points.

The prompt straight from the professor;

The following is a list of topics to choose from:

    House sales discuss the rise and fall of the market in different regions

    Hyperinflation e.g. Zimbabwe, the Great Depression, etc.

    National savings rate of the USA.

    Agriculture and the effects of global warming

    Energy demands in the U.S. or China

    Fiscal policy differences regarding Democrats and Republicans

    Unemployment rates in various states

    What factors contribute the most to economic growth?

    In what ways does franchising contribute to an overall economy?

    The pros and cons of child labor in the globalized world.

    Developing nations and advancement of technology

    Emerging economy in India/Brazil/South Africa, etc.


Health Care finance

Please read Exhibit A.9 starting on pages 94-99 of your text. Explain in precise detail how this information prepared by the Dunhill Health System auditors would be of value to you if you were to hold each of the positions listed below.  You are to respond from the point of view of each of the stakeholders listed below.

a.    Your one of 10 paid Board members of Dunhill Health System

b.    You are the CFO of Dunhill Health System

c.    You are the Senior VP of Dunhill County Bank in charge of Commercial Banking and have been assigned oversight over Dunhill Health System.

* HINT: There are financial statements for Dunhill provided on pages 86-89 that will assist you in preparation of your response.   

Based on the excerpt of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle in the Virtual Reader, as well as your textbook and lecture notes, answer these three questions in three separate paragraphs: Part 1: List and explain one way that the meat packing industry in Chicago a

Based on the excerpt of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle in the Virtual Reader, as well as your textbook and lecture notes, answer these three questions in three separate paragraphs:

Part 1: List and explain one way that the meatpacking industry in Chicago abused its workers.  As part of your response, provide at least one direct, multi-sentence quote from The Jungle, the lecture notes, or the textbook to support your answer. Provide the page (or at least the chapter) citation for your blockquote.

Part 2:  List and explain one way that the meatpacking industry in Chicago defiled the meat they were in charge of.  As part of your response, provide at least one direct, multi-sentence quote from The Jungle, the lecture notes, or the textbook to support your answer.  Provide the page (or at least the chapter) citation for your blockquote.

Part 3:  What protections do we have in place today to keep similar abuses from occurring to our workers or the p

Narrative Essay: Recounting a meaningful moment

Tell a short, powerful, true story.
Remember: This is not an invitation to give us your opinion on a topic youre passionate about. Instead, your challenge is to tell a meaningful and interesting story something with a beginning, middle and end. Because youre telling a story rather than, say, simply reflecting on your feelings about a topic, there should be a conflict of some kind an obstacle, problem or tension that is resolved in some way.
Keep in mind, however, that any story can work. It doesnt have to be the most dramatic, life-altering thing that ever happened to you; it can, instead, be about baking brownies with your brother, or a conversation you had on Tuesdays bus ride to school. Its all in how you tell it.
Though the word narrative might make you think fiction, this story should be true. Tell us about a meaningful event from your real life.
You'll need to communicate not only what happened, but why it mattered to you. What is meaningful about this story? Why

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, assume you are a lead teacher in a preschool or TK (transitional kindergarten) class. Your school year has just started and it's important to reach out to the parents of your students to establish communication and begin building trust. Write a letter to the parents, focus on introducing yourself and outlining your communication policy.

Introduction Start by telling parents who you are. Tell them about your education, how long you have been teaching, and what you like to do in your free time. You can also include a little bit about your teaching philosophy if you have space. (if you are not a teacher currently, you can take some creative license with this part).  Including a small head-shot photo is a nice touch!
Communication Methods   Different families need to hear information in different ways! Its good to have a lot of plans in place for communicating with families. This can include newsletters, emails, phone calls, bulletin boards, and cl


1) Regions-

Define each of the 3 types of regions (formal, functional, vernacular) and give an example of each. You can use your own example or the examples given in the textbook.

2) Diffusion-

Define contagious, expansion and hierarchal diffusion and give an example of each. You can use your own examples or the examples provided in the textbook.

3) Ecology

Define cultural ecology and give an example.

4) Interaction

Define cultural interaction and give an example.

5) Landscape

Define cultural landscape and give an example.
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