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Task A Read and Complete the following questions: A) Read and answer EACH question. B) Please write all information in complete sentences and provide the Hite (2016) citation for questions 1 and 2.  C) Provide a Reference source for the Question  D).  Please refer to your Weekly Discussion and Example Guide (see Course Info) if needed. 

1)    Where do most of the worlds hungry live?  2)  What are the major causes of hunger?  Be specific--do not simply list the answers to these questions.

3)    What are some potential consequences and benefits of using biotechnologies in developing countries.

            4)  From your previously selected developing country (China): What factors contribute to food insecurity in your selected country?  Discuss at least two ways in which government or other forms of leadership are addressing food insecurity issues for that nation.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Plz write an outline of Chapter 5 (one page)

2.Review Ch 6 Practitioner Perspective (p.150) (ONE PAGE)

Points to Ponder:

Who are in the communication networks?

What would be the system theory?

How would you define the culture? communication style?

What would be a comparison that you have experienced?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read and respond to the Apple Case Study. You may start a new thread when posting your initial response.

And also respond my two classmate's post( 100 words for each respond)
1. (1). how can apple's HR department promote the success of its program of stock grants?
Apple plans to grant restricted stock to hourly and salaried workers, including retail workers, who make up half of its workforce, and call center workers. To assist the company to promote the policy, the human resources department can do is: to promote the stock incentive plan, the human resources department can through social media, job site, and E-mail to potential candidate or candidates for promotion of the project, in addition, the company's official website also needs to be updated, the stock incentive plan in the company website conspicuous place, at the time of new employee orientation, induction manual, provide employees with a need to include about stock incentive plan detail.
(2) If you

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week, we will address oral communication. Read three articles and attach a video of yourself speaking for approximately two to three minutes addressing the following questions:

What are intriguing/revealing/surprising points you found in the article?
Do you believe improving English pronunciation is more, as, or less difficult than other aspects of language such as writing, reading, or listening? Why?
Can you tell us about an instance where you spoke and someone could not understand you? Please provide specific details about the experience including where you were and with whom you were speaking. What was the nature of the miscommunication? How could you avoid experiences like that in the future?
You should cite at least one credible outside source in your response (e.g. "According to Silva...").

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We often make judgments about someone based on their accent, such as how old they are or where in the country theyre from. Its common, too, for people to develop preferences for certain accents. All humans have these sorts of automatic associations and reactions, which are typically described as types of accent bias.

Please watch a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVT9DZGqzL8) created by Amy Walker, an actress, singer, and accent specialist, about bias in general accents. After watching a video, address the following questions:

What was surprising/intriguing in the video?
Do you think you have an accent?
Have you ever felt judged for your accent or voice? If so, share your experience.
Have you ever made assumptions about someone based on their accent or voice?
Do you feel its important to help change the stigmas and assumptions associated with certain accents while honoring their uniqueness? If so, what can you do to help?

Art History Response Paper

Read for class Monday Feb 15:
Urvashi Butalia, An Archive with a Difference:  Partition Letters (208-241), in The Partitions of Memory. Butalia--An Archive with a Difference

Kabir, Ananya Jahanara, Gender, Memory, Trauma: Women's Novels on the Partition of India, in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 25, 1 (2005): 177-190. Kabir, Gender Memory Traumat

review and analysis of an Asian American cultural object

There are a number of Asian American cultural producers who are moving and  shaking the fields of visual art, music, spoken word, film, theater, sports, and performance, but due to years of systemic racism, racialization and marginalization a number of works by Asian Americans just never get reviewed, analyzed, and sometimes even seen, heard or read.

Assignment: You will position yourself as a cultural critic and Asian American studies scholar.  You will critically review and analyze the same object of study that you described. You are first going to review it and tell us what makes this object of whatever something to see, hear, or taste its interventions in the world of fashion or genre of romantic comedies et al.  Are there any shortcomings and limitations of the work that you feel you should note?  Ideally, you are trying to convince us to take the time to check out and see, listen, or taste something.

You are not writing a BIOGRAPHY of a person,

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Refer to the lecture notes about quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing.Select two quotes from your first draft (or sources) that are longer than one sentence (otherwise you won't have much to work with), summarize them, and then paraphrase them. Explain why you have selected to quote the two quotations you have selected for this assignment as opposed to summarizing them or paraphrasing them. Do you find it better to paraphrase? 

Follow these guidelines to complete this assignment:
Quote 1: Select a quote from your first draft  (and cite the quotes appropriately according to either MLA or APA style) (10 points)
Summary of quote 1: Summarize the quote    (10 points)
Paraphrase of quote 1: Paraphrase the quote  (10 points)
Explanation: Explain why you have chosen to quote it rather than summarize it or paraphrase it and whether you would change your mind about paraphrasing or summarizing it instead.  Explain your choice in a short para

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Dr. Baker in Thinking  Critically and Creatively states that While critical thinking analyzes information and roots out the true nature and facets of problems, it is creative thinking that drives progress forward when it comes to solving these problems (21). Throughout the whole term, you have been engaged in critical and creative thinking. Now that you are working on the final draft of the research paper, discuss how you have used your critical and creative thinking skills in your work on the final draft.   

200 Word Discussion Board Post

Macroeconomy Analysis

There are two parts in this attached file. First part you need to find a cuurent event that occuring within this three months and connect the news with the explanation of first part about aggregate demand. Second part is comparing essay that almost complete, but only need a single paragraph of conclusion.

1. Please find and scan the news outlet about aggregate demand; the outcomes MUST be based entirely on YOUR own CRITICAL THINKING perspectives as derived from the macroeconomy. This is NOT A SUMMARY, so plase ANALYZE the news THOUGHTFULLY. Then make the connection to the explanation of the Aggragate Demand in file attached.
2. Don't forget to write a conclusion at the end of the paper and underline the thesis statement at the end of the 1st paragraph.
3. For this critical thinking, please write atleast 750 words.

4. After that, please help me to write a conclusion paragraph at the end of the analysis paper in the file attached (the one that comparing two articles)
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