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write a summary about Alternative Media and Processes

View the attached powerpoints on "Visual Thinking Strategies" & "Alternative Media and Processes"
Write a 1 page summary (12pt Font, Times New Roman, Double Space) of Alternative Media.
      -Include an image (on page 2) of an artwork that reflects "Alternative Media and Processes"
    -Write a brief description of the artwork (What's happening in the artwork? What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find?)
  -Make a connection between you and the artwork (what reasons does this work relate to you/your identity?).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reading 1: Mills (in Lemert 2018)
Introduction to C. Wright Mills (p.275)
The sociological imagination (pp.275278)

1. Lemert explained that, true to [Millss] ideal of the sociological imagination, his writings based
strong critical ideas on careful empirical work (page 275). What might this tell us about Millss
approach to research and theory?
2. What do you think Mills meant when he wrote, The sociological imagination enables us to
grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society? (page 276)
3. What were the three sorts of questions asked consistently by the classic social analysts who
had been imaginatively aware of the promise of their work? (page 276).
4. What kind of capacity does that imagination allow? (page 276)

Research Paper Guidelines for Zara

What are the import requirements of retail clothing?
Why would these requirements effect the Zara logistics team when importing?
How does Zara manage a global supply chain?
How does Zara manage the logistics of moving its clothing strategically between stores?
How does the requirements of maximums in the store help Zara logistics?
How does Zara master global replenishment?
What are Zaras best practices that make it a leader in global logistics?

Journal Entry for Class 9

1.Thinking about your team projects, what have you learned about teaming that can help you in your business life? Share at least 1 example to illustrate your findings.

2.As you research opportunities in stakeholder capitalism, how has your perspective on the purpose of a business changed since Class 1 (if at all)?

reading: https://hbr.org/2015/01/get-the-boss-to-buy-in

Sociology Media and Society

You are the Regulator

You are on a U.S. Congressional committee tasked with improving the quality of our information ecosphere. (Note: this could include professional journalism broadcast on mass media channels and/or less professional content shared through social media or the web.)  Before getting started, you need to do some background research on recent regulatory issues, inhibitors of a free press, information quality, etc., and then explore possible solutions.  Your objective is to write a brief report recommending reform of one regulatory issue that you believe will most drastically improve the information ecosystem in the United States.

First, provide a brief explanation of the problem as you see it.  For example, if you are concerned about the power of owners/conglomerates, indecent content, or (un)equal web access, then you might discuss FCC regulations governing those issues.  Alternatively, you might be concerned about digital platforms (Go

martin luther king, jr., “letter from birmingham jail”

You should begin your initial research about your chosen literature with some biographical information
about the author then begin to read as much analysis of your particular selection as possible. When you
are ready to begin writing your research paper, the biographical information should be very brief as an
introduction to your literature.
Keep in mind that the purpose of your paper is to critically analyze your chosen work, focusing on some
aspect of the overall work that helps to define and unify a central argument. Possible research questions
might include:
What is unique about the work that makes it worthwhile?
What technique(s) does the author use?
What argument(s) are central to this piece?
How effective are these argument(s)?
What is unique about the way the writer presents these argument(s)?
How do the writers techniques help define this piece as literature of importance?
These questions are not all inclusive but should serve as a

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Plz write an Summary of Chapter 5 (one page)

2.Review Ch 6 Practitioner Perspective (p.150) (ONE PAGE)

Answer those question for chapter 6

1. Who are in the communication networks?

2. What would be the system theory?

3. How would you define the culture? communication style?

4. What would be a comparison that you have experienced?

response paper

1. Examining WHAT the text say( what it means)
2. Examining HOW the text says what it say (Word choice, emphasis, selection of details, etc.)
3. Examining Why the text says what it says in the wy that it does(Genre?Narrators focus or bias? Consideration of target audience?
4. work MUST  be cited IF outside information is used (Outside research is NOT required)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Consider the examples of leadership you have read about in this module, from the prominent public and nationwide leadership of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abraham Lincoln to the challenges of personal leadership experienced by Robert in Carver's "Cathedral" or Lt. Jimmy Cross in O'Brien's "The Things They Carried."

Now imagine you've been asked to host a leadership workshop for your workplace, division, or community group.  How would you use the examples of leadership shown in this chapter to teach your audience or to illustrate key points of your presentation?  What other examples--whether modern or historical, real or imagined--would you use?  How would those examples further emphasize what you teach your audience?

Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in the "Creating an Informal Outline" section of Chapter 4, and then write a  response to the prompt above.  Be sure to incorporate our Core Value of


Book: The Consolation of Philosophy (Penguin Classics)
ISBN-13: 978-0140447804

Thesis: Boethius believes that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and good.  But if his view is correct, then why do bad things exist at all?  Why is there evil in the world?

Remember to organize your points around a specific thesis, which you defend with reasons and evidence, and to strive for clarity and concision.  The ideal essay contains nothing irrelevant, and it should be more than a mere summary of the material.  Recall that to be interesting, you need to try to prove something.

Secondary readings are certainly allowed in researching your topic, but they are not required. What matters most is a clear, sound argument. If you seek philosophical background, a number of valuable articles on philosophical topics can also be found online in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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