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For the exam, students must turn in organized, polished work of not more than six (6) pages.  Students are expected to refer to the textbook and other sources that we have read for the exam; references to additional (outside) sources are welcome, but not required. BOTH ESSAYS MUST INCLUDE CITATIONS. All references to the literature must be properly cited (in whatever citation form students prefer). Your responses must reflect an understanding of the readings from the textbook and a presence at the lectures. Your responses must be based on the relevant readings, lectures, films, class discussions, and hand-outs. The goal is to demonstrate that you have read the assigned material and understand key concepts. Remember to use specific evidence and/or examples to support your arguments. You should cite your sources and include a Works Cited page in MLA or Chicago format. (Opinions without evidence, however interesting, are not sufficient.)

Please DO NOT use materials fr

Historical Analysis Paper

Historical analysis is a method of the examination of evidence in coming to an understanding of the past. It is particularly applied to evidence contained in documents, although it can be applied to all artifacts. The historian is, first, seeking to gain some certainty as to the facts of the past.

A historical analysis essay is a paper written to table arguments proving a particular thesis. The arguments are based on history and should prove insight by using both primary and secondary historical sources to prove the essay's thesis statement.

For this assignment, you are a budding historian, trying to make sense of some aspect of the history we cover in this course.

You should survey your textbooks primary sources. They are typically included at the end of the chapters, though you will also find some included in the chapter text.

For your assignment, you will include at least two (2) but no more than three (3) primary sources from the textbook for class.

Case Study: Operations/Value Chain Role

** You will be writing this portion based on the Operations/Value Chain Role
Please see attached files.
Please cite sources. Here are some resources:

Case Background

October 29, 2018 Indonesian Lion Air Flight 610 vanishes, later to be discovered to have crashed. No one onboard survived.
March 10, 2019 Ethiopian Airways flight ET302 crashes. No survivors.
Two seemingly unrelated events with a combined 346 people dead in no-survivor accidents. Was there a link? It was quickly determined that both incidents involved a Boeing 737 Max aircraft. Despite the two crashes, which gained global news status, Boeing continued to publicly defend that its planes were safe, refusing to recall the Boeing 73

Social Issues

All students will choose a social issue and write an original 900-1000-word literary argument regarding what position(s) a short story takes on a social issue. The essay should also address how an authors use of a formal literary elementthe formal literary element addressed in part onehelps readers explore this social issue. Although the essay will describe and analyze the literary texts position(s) on a social issue, the essay should primarily argue what position a text takes on a social issue.

You may choose any social issue, but keep in mind that in projects two and three you will need to explore and analyze that issue through additional research. Additionally, in project two, you will decide whether you want to explore your social issue from a historical or a contemporary perspective. Feel free to consult the list of suggested topics as you formulate a topic.

For example, in your view, how does the use of character, setting, plot, and/or point of view in Richard Wrigh


NITIAL POST: After reading the textbook Chapter on Lipids, in 500 words (plus or minus 50) share your thoughts and experiences regarding the following points. USE ESSAY format.

How I can apply the  information I have learned when working with patients in a health care setting. (Include details from your readings (based on scientific and physiological explanations to support your conclusions). Be specific.

How the information I've learned assist me in taking care of my own health. (Include details from your readings to support your conclusions).


Instructions will be uploaded later.

Write an analysis for this article:

Documents needed are pasted below. Type on the document labeled Analysis.

Professor MacDonald is considering taking a job with a major media news outlet. However, his training as a sociologist has him concerned that media is a powerful social force in our society. In order to prepare, he consults a current news story and approa

Professor MacDonald is considering taking a job with a major media news outlet. However, his training as a sociologist has him concerned that media is a powerful social force in our society. In order to prepare, he consults a current news story and approaches it from the classical sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism). Recall these from Chapter 1.

Your assignment is to find a current story in the news and use your theories to approach it. Please link the story in your post. This can be from any major news outlet, NPR, Associated Press, CNN, Fox News, etc. What would each theory/perspective have to say about how the media in society is viewed or constructed in general as well as specifically applying to your news story? In your answer, define the theoretical perspective as well as show how that perspective would view any or all aspects of the media. Remember to ask yourself your question for each theory--then answer them. You learned you


Write an analysis for this article:

Documents needed are pasted below. Type on the document labeled Analysis.

how was Ulysses a hero

Using the book The adventures of Ulysses not odysseys get 3 events in the story which proves how Ulysses is a hero. Its a 5 paragraph essay. 1st intro 2nd first event 3rd second event 4th third and last event 5th conclusion. Please get evidence and have a good analysis. THANK YOU SO NUCH THIS MEANS A LOT ? about 3 or 4 pages

Bill Veeck and Chicago Baseball

Click the link below to watch the video:


Video review should be between 2 to 3 pages (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font)
Include the following information:
1.What the video meant to you: what did the video teach you?
2. How you feel the video is related to the class topic.
3. Would you recommend watching the videos to others (why or why not)?

Write two-three discussion questions on the film
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