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1. Review the PowerPoint presentation  Understanding Your Personal Context.pptx Understanding Your Personal Context.pptx - Alternative Formats

to recall the eight dimensions of one's personal context. You may also want to review your earlier work on identifying and ranking your personal context dimensions.
2. Read/review the articles on recycling from Chapter 2:

"The Reign of Recycling" by John Tierney, pages 66-70

"It's Time to Phase Out Single-Use Plastic,"an editorial in Los Angeles Times,  pages 74-75

"Waste Not. . . ?" by Bob Holmes, pages 76-80

"We Are So Forked" by Jenny Luna, pages 80-82

3. In the first paragraph of your discussion post explain which textbook article on recycling represents your position and which elements of your own personal context have influenced your choice. In other words, identify the important dimensions in forming your own opinion on how far to go in recycling.

4. In


1. Read the "At Issue" box on page 61.
2. View the attached PowerPoint presentation on Understanding Your Personal Context:  Understanding Your Personal Context.pptx Understanding Your Personal Context.pptx

3. For each of the 8 context dimensions, write a short paragraph of 3-5 sentences explaining your personal context.

4. For each dimension, rate whether its very important, important, or not important.

5. In paragraph 9 answer the question: Where do you stand in regards to recycling? That is, how far are you willing to go to make sure you do not create long-lasting waste? Do you generally believe in beneficial environmental effects of recycling? Do you follow waste sorting guidelines only when you have to or do you go an extra mile? Do you try to limit your purchase of items that require recycling or are hard to recycle, e.g. plastic bags, disposable containers, plastic straws, etc? Explain how your personal context affects your thoughts


Option A: You probably value something or regret something about your younger years. Using narrative techniques, recount the event/the incident indicating the significance of the event and how it shaped your identity.

Option B: Recount a true story about a ceremonial occasion-- such as a graduation, wedding or memorial service-- that you took part in. Show how and where the actual events of the experience met (or conflicted with) your expectations.

Option C: At one point in your life, you have probably learned something about yourself.
Choose a brief, yet memorable, incident in which you experienced a turning point and reveal how you grew or changed as a result of it.

Choose anyone from here

Your essay must include standard, academic formatting, including title, thesis idea, well-developed paragraphs, effective transitions, and, last but not least, an introduction and conclusion.
You should carefully review the strategies for writing a


1. Gryphon Consultancy is a computer-consulting firm. It spends considerable time and effort recruiting the best personnel from the United States leading technical schools. Gryphon employees sign an initial three-year employment commitment. Dwayne worked for Gryphon, but then he quit and formed a competing company, which he called Syntel. His new company contacted Gryphon employees by phone, offering more money to come work for Syntel. At least 16 Gryphon employees left their work without completing their contractual obligations and went to work for Syntel. Gryphon sued. What did it claim, and what should be the result?
You have most likely heard of the Liebeck v. McDonalds case. Liebeck spilled hot McDonalds coffee in her lap, suffering third degree burns. At trial, evidence showed that her cup of coffee was brewed at 190 degrees, and that, more typically, a restaurants hot coffee is in the range of 140160 degrees. A jury awarded Liebeck $160,000 in compensatory damages and $2.7 mi

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1) As per the efficiency ratios used for your Term Project, what is AVBs NOI/Total Revenue YTD 9/2020 and YTD 9/2019, on a percentage basis?
2) How does your answer to #1 compare to the same calculation for your company?
3) What is the undepreciated book-value of AVBs assets at 3Q20?
4) What is AVBs Overhead/Revenue YTD 9/2020 and YTD 9/2019?
5) What was AVBs Weighted Average Cost of Debt at 3Q20?
6) What is the book-value of AVBs equity at 3Q20?

1) Utilizing the CAPM approach and assuming a Beta of .94 and an Rm of 8.50%, what is your estimate of AVBs cost of equity at 9/30/20?
2) What was AVBs single largest source of cash YTD 9/2020? What was AVBs single largest use of cash YTD 9/2020? What does this tell you?

1) Provide the formula for each of EBITDA, EBIT, and Net Income (all, as per GAAP). In your opinion, which is a better metric for a real estate operating company? Why?
2) Provide the formula for each of ROA and ROE. What are each of these

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ITS a Pol Develop of Western Europe Course, and I need a term paper.


Explain the sovereign paradox (From Notes and Bates)

Double spacing,
12pt Times New Roman
1 inch margins,
No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.

Need 5 pages long and bibliography page.

Cite reading where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)
Do not use outside sources
Do not copy/paste lecture notes or texts in the book

YOU CAN ONLY use the book i upload and notes i upload for source

Please upload both PDF form and DOC form for me

Short Story Analysis

Write a unified and coherent essay of approximately 1200 words on one of the topics below.
Remember that your essay should be properly analytical: do not merely summarize/retell the story.
Assume that your reader has already read the story at least once. Your reader already knows who the characters are and what happens in the story.
Your reader is looking for a thoughtful, meaningful, and well-organized discussion.

Make sure your introduction begins with an appropriate framing statement which refers to the author and the text being discussed.

Your introduction must also contain an argumentative thesis statement.

Be sure to support your claims with detailed evidence from the text, and remember to include page numbers for all quotes.

Use the present tense as much as possible to refer to the text. Identify speakers as appropriate.

You will need to include a works cited page at the end of your essay.

Use MLA 8th edition format.

History 111, Essay Two

By the assigned due dates, students will respond to ONE of the following questions on which to compose a 3-4-page essay (11 or 12-point font, double-spaced).  In addition to using websites, you should also use your textbook or other credible academic sources to help you in your research. You must also some of the sources provided below.  IMPORTANT: You must cite your sources in the text itself and include a works cited section (preferably using MLA format).  The more sources you use (by quoting and analyzing first-hand accounts), the better your essay will likely be.

Your work must also include the use of at least THREE primary sources, and a works cited page.  You may use some of the sources provided below, but you will also want to use sources you find via internet research, online databases, and libraries. A primary source is a first-hand account of an event.  You can more about what these types of sources are by viewing this website: http://

analyzing a prevalent and urgent Asian American issue

You will be responsible for writing a 5-6 page paper analyzing a prevalent and urgent Asian American issue.  Here are some questions to address:
-What is/are the issue(s) that Asian Americans are currently facing and/or will face? -Briefly describe the origins of the issue(s) and how it became an issue(s).
-Using  credible  sources  (journal  articles,  newspapers,  books),  why  is/are  the  issue(s) important to address and resolve? (New York Times, the Atlantic, Reuters, Associated Press, etc.)
-What short and long-term solution(s) did you come up with?
-What are the pros and/or cons in resolving the issue(s)?
-Who will be impacted most and what potentially can happen if the issue(s) is not resolved?
-What can you do to continually inform yourselves of the issue(s) that affects Asian American society?


Part 2- students will review summary analyses submissions, made in part 1, and offer a rebuttal to a classmate's current event analysis, which opposes their own.  MOST IMPORTANTLY,  BE CONSTRUCTIVE in your critiques; and RATIONAL in your explanation of your perspective.  Rebuttals must be 5-10 sentences in length.

  Kindly do the rebuttal on the work below

It is more than twelve months into the pandemic yet some Texans are complaining about access to the Covid-19 vaccine. In Texas, the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine has been faced with several severe challenges. There have been inconsistencies in the distribution of the doses and more struggle is to jab people into their arms. People in the various counties in Texas have been warned of the possible delay in receiving the vaccine. For example in Cameron and Hidalgo counties, residents have been instructed to carry food, water, and blanket as they could experience a delay of a period of up to 48 hours.
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