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Response essay

a response paper is just what it sounds like: what did you think about as you read through the article youve chosen; most people are unsure of what or how to write for this assignment, which is why I provide examples from earlier classes you can look at find them by navigating to the "Intro Module" and look at the "Miscellaneous Files and Documents" Page for access to the files; I would suggest reading through each of these, then perhaps choose to emulate the ones you like, or improve upon those you don't
you shouldnt rely wholly on these examples, but youll note that each combines a bit of summary of what was read along with commentary and personal observations. One way to approach these writing assignments is to think, what do I know now that I didnt know before? or as I was reading through _______, I was struck by how it made me think of _______. Feel free to write these in first person (I thought this ... or I didnt understand that ... ); in fact, first person responses are enc

free writing

Watch the PBS NOVA film (53 minutes) Vaccines: Calling the Shots (Connexions vers un site externe.)

After you view the film, interview three (3) parents with a child under the age of 5, from different families.  The parents you interview can be relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc.  Just be sure they currently have a child under the age of 5 years old.  You can conduct the interviews in person, by phone or by email.  Please inform them that you are not judging them by asking these questions and that their decisions as a parent are highly regarded.  You are simply interested their process decision making process as it relates to immunizing their child.

Ask the questions provided below and record or take notes on their answers.

Interview Questions

Did you conduct any research about immunizations before your child was first vaccinated? (Research can include speaking to other parents or medical professionals, searching online, r

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

Explain nutrition and describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.

Nutrition is the study of how our bodies digest and use biologically-important macromolecules. These are used to support growth, homeostasis, and tissue repair. Common nutrients include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The metabolic rate of the body is how it consumes energy, and this can be affected by many factors, including age and level of activity and environment. One important effect of metabolism is that heat is given off as a waste product of the reaction, but this heat can be used to maintain a stable internal temperature within the body.

Topics covered included:

Nutrition and the factors that influence eating and satiety
Nutrients including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
Factors that affect metabolic rate
Temperature regulation in the body


This essay is based on Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005.
It should be organized around his three messages, for which he gives his own life examples. Each of the three messages should be the topic of each of the three body paragraphs,
You can use examples from your own life and experiences and/or Jobs specific examples.
Title MLA Style (not Steve Jobs!)
Introduction with a perfect thesis statement
three body paragraphs, each with a topic sentence and specific examples (can be your own specific examples too)
a conclusion

at least two semicolons used correctly
no Run-ons, commas splices, or sentence fragments
Proof read at least 2x
this could use more specific details in your  examples--for example, a specific situation where something occurred
Proof read for options 1-5

Discrimination against native Americans

    I need an informed essay at least 1500 words. Done ASAP please. This is how i need it.

    Introduction: State your field and present the debate(s)/mysteries/conversations youve chosen.
        Thesis = subject + debate/mystery/conversation + importance/relevance of that issue to the field and/or in a broader sense
        Background Context: this is where you contextualize the issue by explaining how it came about, what conditions or information created the issue; what terms, concepts, or ideas are important to the issue; and in general, anything and everything the reader may need to understand the issue
        Section 1: identify the sides and/or positions in the debate, what their ideas/arguments/hypothesis are

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper 1 Scott: Power and Identity

In Behind the Official Story, James C. Scott argues that nearly all social interactions involve some sort of performance or script but that in cases of marked or strong power difference, the stakes involved lead to increasing levels of scriptedness (3).

For your first paper assignment, I would like you to consider how Scotts argument about how power affects social dynamics might help us to understand identity better. In other words, how does ones relationship to power affect the way one understands ones identity?

There are different ways you may choose to go about answering this prompt: do power dynamics challenge or hurt ones sense of self, reinforce or solidify it, or does it depend? If it depends, what does it depend on? Does ones place in a power relationship create ones sense of self, or is there a more complicated dynamic at play? How so and how can we tell? Does ones sense of belonging to a group defined by relative power (

Discrimination against native Americans

I need a informed essay at least 1500 words.
Introduction: State your field and present the debate(s)/mysteries/conversations youve chosen.
Thesis = subject + debate/mystery/conversation + importance/relevance of that issue to the field and/or in a broader sense
Background Context: this is where you contextualize the issue by explaining how it came about, what conditions or information created the issue; what terms, concepts, or ideas are important to the issue; and in general, anything and everything the reader may need to understand the issue
Section 1: identify the sides and/or positions in the debate, what their ideas/arguments/hypothesis are
Section 2 +: cover each side in detail, summarizing their logic and/or evidence
Conclusion: your conclusion may present your opinion of the issue (although not persuasively, rather objectively); this is also the place to reinforce the relevance and importance of the issue, within the subject field and beyo


write a few sentences, saying something about what you see in your account.  I need a few meaningful sentences of analysis.  Something about why you bought or sold certain stocks.  Any surprises as the simulation progressed?  Did something work out as you expected, or better or worse?  Plans to sell or buy some stocks?  Did you use something you learned in the course?  Did something happen in the news that impacted your stocks?  Etc.  A few sentences should do it but make it meaningful. 

For your second essay you need to select a primary source essay. You can select that essay from Part 4 of your textbook. Part 4 is an anthology of essays covering a range of topics. Select one essay from Part 4 to use as your main essay to analyze. You wi

For your second essay you need to select a primary source essay. You can select that essay from Part 4 of your textbook. Part 4 is an anthology of essays covering a range of topics. Select one essay from Part 4 to use as your main essay to analyze. You will need to identift two additional resources to add to your analysis. Use the library to locate these two sources.

Be sure to use these outside sources properly. Don't plagiarize and review MLA citation methods!

Genetic testing and how it can benefit or society or deteriorate it as it becomes more available.


above is a link to the video: It is called Cracking your Genetic Code Season 39, Ep 9. 53 Minutes long.

It does not need to be a full 550 words BUT it NEEDS to answer the essay questions below. 1 paragraph for each question.

1. In your words, what is meant by the phrase Genetic Code?

In the movie they obtained DNA from different sources, what were those sources? What other sources would be preferable? What sources would you avoid? Why?

3. One of the people in the movie said that if they tried they might fail, and that would be a good thing? Who said that and what did he mean?

4. They talked about a disease called CFwhat does that stand for? What part of the body does it affect? How much does the treatment for CF cost?

5. What do you predict for the future regarding peoples Genetic Code? There were two sides to the debate, what were they? Discuss each side.
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